The BOB Revolution SE Duallie is one of the strollers I find myself recommending most frequently to parents of multiple children, simply due to the fact that it just makes parenting easier when you aren’t fighting a stroller. The BOB was designed to give parents one less thing to worry about, and I appreciate that as a parent of a lot of kids.
2017 update:Ā The SE Duallie was redesigned and is essentially the same stroller as the Flex. Besides cosmetic changes (e.g., colors and fabric styles), the mechanics of the stroller remain the same.Ā Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the BOB Revolution SE Duallie double stroller on the Internet.
Buy the BOB Revolution SE Duallie on Sale at Amazon.
Weight and Dimensions of theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
How much does theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie weigh?
The SE Duallie weighs 32 pounds according to my digital scale. It’s not the lightest double stroller, but it’s definitely not one of the heaviest, either. And unless you’re pushing around an umbrella stroller, you’re going to naturally deal with a little more weight in a double stroller.
What’s the widest door you can fit aĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie through?
The SE Duallie is 30.5 inches wide and standard doors are 36.5″ wide, which means you can easilyĀ fit one through a regular door. I find it easiest to not think about doors at all, since it passes through them without trouble.
Using theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie with Children
Can you use two infant seat adapters with the BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
Unfortunately, you can’t do this, at least per BOB. The issue is that you aren’t going to be able to use a pair of adapters on the stroller while managing to fit it through a door that’s built to standard widths (36.5″ or fewer). As a result, you can only use one car seat in an adapter at a time.
What’s the tallest child you can fit in theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The precise dimensions will vary from one child to the next, especially since some children carry their height in their torsos while others do in their legs, but I’d estimate at least 48 inches for most children, which is long enough to allow most children to ride in the SE Duallie at least until age 5.
What’s the recommended age range for theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
BOB recommends using the SE Duallie with children aged between 6 months and up to 4 or beyond. We’ve used it with older children easily; the main limits are in the height beneath the canopy.
How much can children weigh while using theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The maximum carrying weight, which can be divided between the two seats, is 100 pounds.
Seating in theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
What are the seats made of in theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The seats in the SE Duallie are made out of cloth and feel much like a car seat. The fabric is high quality and stands up to extended use; ours is now close to 4 years old and the fabric still looks amazing, especially considering the fact that there aren’t any tears, stains, or rips in the fabric yet, no matter how wild our kids have been with them.
I would rate the fabric in the updated SE Duallie as slightly softer than that in the previous edition, even though I was a fan of the old fabric as well.
What is seat support like in the BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
Seat support has definitely improved in this version, and there are cushions throughout the seat, which make them much more comfortable to sit in for extended periods of time. BOB additionally built in additional padding to create a headrest, and also took the time to build in lumbar support, which is something you aren’t going to find in the majority of double strollers.
Can you recline the seats in the BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
No, you can’t fully recline the seats in the SE Duallie, but you can definitely recline the seats enough to make it safe for an infant to use. The seats don’t recline fully flat, but get very close. I’d describe it as a 3/4 recline. I also like the fact that the recline feature was completely redesigned and makes much more sense for the average parent; you don’t have to buckle and unbuckle to adjust the recline.
What is leg room like in theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The leg room in the newest generation of the SE Duallie is rather generous, primarily because the footrest area was redesigned. Children have lots of room to stretch their feet and a good amount of room for resting them when sleeping or tired.
What are the sun canopies like in theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The canopies are one of the best parts of the SE Duallie; they were redesigned in 2011 and for the better, if you ask me. They are very large and provide an excellent amount of coverage. There is a ratcheting feature built into them for more precise adjustments, and the forward range has been extended as a result. There is a ‘peek-a-boo’ window at the top of the canopy that was brought over from previous versions, but it has since been expanded to cover the full canopy top, which means it’s easier for you to see all of your child now.
You can roll up and stow away the window cover to the peek-a-boo right into a pocket that’s built in on top of the canopy. I’m also a fan of the velcro straps on top of the canopy. There are two of them, and when you use them, you can pull up any extra canopy material when the canopy is fully retracted. This doesn’t affect comfort for younger children, but if you’ve got an older child, it gives him or her much more room.
The canopies themselves are made out of a waterproof material that’s also easy to clean, thankfully. They are also independently functional, which means that you can have one open and another closed, or both open, or both closed, and so on.
Buy the BOB Revolution SE Duallie on Sale at Amazon.
Pushing and Moving theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
What is it like to push theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?Ā
In a word: smooth. It’s like pushing a cloud in front of you; that’s about how much effort it takes. The shock absorption system is also top notch; it makes the ride an incredibly smooth one for your child passengers, as well as a smooth one for the parents doing the pushing. You’ll find yourself wanting to go for walks with the stroller for no particular reason at all, which is about as high of a compliment as I can pay a stroller.
What are the wheels and tires like on theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The wheels are as solid as the rest of the stroller. I like how large the wheels are and I’m also a fan of the rim construction. They used to be made of metal, but it was a bendy metal that dented easily under heavy use. The rims now come in a strong plastic that’s designed to stand up to a range of conditions. And frankly, the star design in the spokes of the rims just looks better. The tires are inflatable, of course, and BOB took the time to install the air valves at an angle, which makes it much easier to connect an air pump when you need to give them a top off.
You can lock the front wheel for jogging, or you can allow it to swivel when walking. It’s also handy to lock the front wheel when you’re dealing with rougher terrain, as it provides greater stability at the cost of the greater maneuverability inherent when the wheel is swiveling.
Are the wheels on theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie removable?
You can remove the back wheels easily so you can store the entire stroller in a more compact package. The foot brake has not been changed in its design; it’s a basic bar design that you push down to activate or lift up to release.
How do I fix a flat tire on theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
The tires are essentially small bicycle tires; they have inner tubes that you can replace as needed. To pump the tires, you can use a standard bike pump, or any other pump that has a schraeder valve; you can’t use a presta valve on these. You might want to invest in a small portable pump that you can take with you and even just leave in the storage basket so you have access to it while on the go. Alternatively, a portable air compressor that can be powered by the 12V connector (the cigarette lighter) in your car is also a good investment.
Storing and Transporting theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
How do you pack up the BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
You simply fold the SE Duallie to take it with you. There’s a tether (frequently known as a “leash”) attached to the handle bar that you use to lock the stroller in place when you fold it up so it won’t start opening up unexpectedly when you’re trying to load it into the back of your minivan.
How do you open up theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
This hasn’t changed since the previous version; you essentially shake the stroller open, which sounds scary, but makes a lot of sense once you literally do it.
Cargo and Storage of theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
What’s storage like for theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
BOB redesigned the storage compartment with the revision of the stroller, changing things from a basic square design to a storage basket with raised sides, which, practically speaking, means that you can now stuff more things into the basket. Similarly, since the storage harness is now no longer tethered to the brake of the SE Duallie, it’s easy to toss things into the storage bin, such as diaper bags.
There are also two baskets behind each seat that allow you to store additional materials. You can also additionally purchase a handle bar console, which is useful for storing things like water bottles, keys, wallets, and phones.
What are the dimensions of theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie lower storage compartment?
The lower storage area is around 12″ deep, 17″ wide, and 11″ high.
Maintenance and Cleaning of theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
How do you clean theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
To clean the fabric throughout the SE Duallie, you can simply get soapy water and dip a scrub brush in it before going to town. You can rinse everything down with a hose or a bucket, let it air dry, and get back to using it.Ā
What is the warranty coverage like on theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie?
A 5 year warranty is standard for the stroller’s frame, while the other parts of the stroller, such as the wheels, canopy, and fabric, come with a one year warranty.
Concluding thoughts on theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie
Is theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie worth it?
In conclusion, three years after the redesign, the SE Duallie is still one of the best double strollers I’ve come across, and I’d heartily recommend it to most parents and caregivers who work with multiple children. You can buy theĀ BOB Revolution SE Duallie in a range of colors here.
If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.
Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller Review

2018 Update: The City Mini GT double remains largely the same compared to previous years; the only changes have been cosmetic, such as in color and fabric options. It’s still one of the absolute best double strollers on the market if you can afford its ever-climbing price tag.
The Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller is one of our favorite strollers to use when we aren’t planning on using any heavy trails or doing anything exercise related. It’s not a jogging stroller, but it does just about everything else with as much or more style than any other double stroller on the market right now. We’ve had ours for a couple of years now, and it’s about time I settled down to write a review on it. Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double stroller on the Internet.
How much does theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT DoubleĀ weigh?
TheĀ City Mini GT DoubleĀ weighs 32.5 pounds according to my digital scale, which matches up exactly with the specifications published by Baby Jogger. However, it doesn’t feelĀ like it weighs 32 pounds when you’re pushing it; it feels significantly lighter. Of course, once you’ve got two preschoolers pushing around in it with a full day’s worth of food packed for a trip to the zoo, it’s going to feel significantly heavier.
What’s the narrowest door you can fit aĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT DoubleĀ through?
The City Mini GT Double is one of the narrowest high-end side by side strollers on the market; at 29.75″ inches wide, it is capable of fitting through doors just under 30″ wide, which is smaller than the standard door size. I’ve yet to run into a door while shopping that I couldn’t fit it through. It’s important to note that you’re not going to be able to fit it through certain interior doors, depending on their dimensions. It’ll fit through all normal doors in retail environments, however.
What are the length, width, and height of theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The City Mini GT Double is 44″ long, 29.75″ wide, and between 30 and 43.5″ tall, depending on how you have the seats reclined, when it is unfolded. When you fold it up, it contracts to 12.5″ long, 29.75″ wide, and 31″ tall.
How Wide is the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double at the shoulders?
The City Mini GT Double is 12″ wide at the shoulders for an individual child. This might not sound wide, but pretty much all of our children who have used it have felt comfortable with the shoulder width until they were clearly too big for the seat. For example, our 6 year old daughter couldn’t sit comfortably at the shoulders, but her head also stuck out above the canopy area since she was clearly too tall for the seat by that point.
Where can I find the user manual for the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
You can download the full manual for the City Mini GT Double here. The stroller manual is a PDF and is available in English, French, and Spanish.
Can you use two infant seat adapters with theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Yes! You can either go with regular infant car seats or with bassinets, which we think are even cooler, if you use the Compact PramĀ or Deluxe PramĀ system offered by Baby Jogger. We’ve got a pair of the Deluxe, and they really came in handy when we had a pair of infants who we wanted to be able to transport with a completely flat recline and still keep nice and snug. However, you can also use the seats in the City Mini GT Double in a fully reclined position without an adapter or bassinet, which is great if you don’t want to fuss with accessories.
Alternatively, you can also purchase a mounting bracket that will allow you to install infant seats from a wide range of manufacturers. We’ve got one for the occasional infant seat installation.
What’s the tallest child you can fit in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The maximum height limit in each seat of the City Mini GT Double is 44.” That said, we’ve fit our daughters in without a struggle at 45″ and even a bit past that, but what you’re able to do will also depend on the torso and leg proportions of your child. Leggy kids will have more room than long-torsoed children.
What’s the recommended age range for theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Baby Jogger recommends a range between birth and 5 years. Of course, if you’re planning on using the City Mini GT Double with a newborn, you’ll either want the Compact Pram or lots of head and neck support along with as much recline as you can get out of the seat. The higher end of the age range isn’t as crucial; at some point, however, your kids will either get too tall or too heavy for the seat, which brings us to the next question…
How much can children weigh while using theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The maximum weight limit in each seat is 50 pounds, while the maximum combined weight is 100 pounds. The total weight load for the stroller is 14 pounds past that, including cargo.
Is a child tray included with theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
A child tray is not included; you’ll need to buy one separately from Baby Jogger.
What are the seats made of in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The fabric of the City Mini GT Double is a soft cloth that is machine-washable (more on that later).
What is seat support like in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Seat support is good and is quite similar to that of the Summit X3 double, which makes sense, since they’re both made by Baby Jogger.
Can you recline the seats in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Yes! This is one of my favorite parts of this seat, and is whyĀ weĀ will automatically reach for the City Mini GT Double when we don’t need the jogging capabilities of any of the other double strollers we have. There are very few high-end side by side strollers that allow you to fully recline, so when you find one with that feature, you hold onto it!
What is leg room like in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The leg room is good; the seat to knee distance is 10″ and the knee to footplate distance is 10″ more, which gives your child 20″ of total leg room before he or she would need to start sticking his or her feet over the footplate.
What are the sun canopies like in theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The sun canopies are another excellent part of what is already an excellent seat. They are independently adjustable and offer a good amount of coverage when we’re out and about, such as when walking through the zoo on a 90 degree day with the sun perched high in the sky (not our best idea, by the way).
What is the rain canopy for theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT DoubleĀ like?
The rain canopy (Baby Jogger sometimes calls it a weather shield) is great. It looks a bit like a transparent umbrella or cellophane wrap, but it does the job of protecting your little ones from rain admirably, and I’d definitely recommend picking it up. You wouldn’t think you’d get caught in the rain often enough to use it until your kids decide they want to go to the park every single day, all spring long. Believe me–it comes in handy.
What is it like to push theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?

Can the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double be used for jogging?
Unfortunately, you can’t use the City Mini GT Double for jogging. The wheels do lock, and you’re supposed to lock the wheels when loading, but they’re simply too small to work functionally for jogging. The suspension also isn’t built to handle jogging; if you’re interested in doing this, the closest equivalent to the City Mini GT Double will be Baby Jogger’s Summit X3 double, which isĀ designed for jogging.
Is the handlebar on theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT DoubleĀ adjustable?
Yes! This is another advantage the City Mini GT Double has over its jogging sibling, the Summit X3 double; you can swing it up and down to make just about any height work. I’m several inches tallerĀ than my wifeĀ (5’11” vs 5’3″), yet neither of us has any trouble finding an angle and height that works for us. We know a couple where the wife is 5’5″ and the husband is 6’4″, and both are happy. The handlebar is also made out of rubber, which is nicer than the handle on the Britax B Agile double stroller, which is made of foam.
How is theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double‘s suspension?
It works and stays out of your way, which is good enough in my books. To be technical, the front wheels have individual suspension systems, while the rear wheels do not have anything. You can definitely tell a difference between the suspension system in the City Mini GT Double and that in the Summit X3 double, but it’s not enough of a difference to make getting the latter over the former unless you’re going to spend time running, jogging, or off-roading with the City Mini GT Double.
What are the brakes like on theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The City Mini GT Double features a parking brake that’s accessible by hand on the side of the handlebar, which is a very nice touch. It’s not quite as awesome as the hand-operated brake on the Summit X3 double, but since you shouldn’t be approaching the speeds you’d achieve with that stroller, it shouldn’t make to much of a difference. And it’s definitely much more convenient than having to reach down to set the brake.
What are the wheels and tires like on theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
The tires are made out of rubber and are filled with foam. Baby Jogger describes them as all-terrain wheels, which I suppose is technically true, but this is a double stroller that definitely feels more at home on a sidewalk than in a grassy trail. That said, it’s nice to not need to worry about fixing a flat tire or carrying an air pump in case tire pressure gets low.
How do I fix a flat tire on theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Ā You don’t! The tires don’t get flat, since they aren’t filled with air. This actually makes the tires moreĀ durable than the air-filled ones in jogging strollers, which is one of the reasons we like taking this stroller in rougher areas as long as we accept that we’re going to need to move more slowly.
How do you pack up theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Ā Folding the City Mini GT Double is super easy; you simply grab onto the straps and lift them, and the City Mini GT Double takes care of itself. There is an auto lock that keeps it locked when you’re storing or moving it. You can remove the wheels to have more space when storing it in the back of a small vehicle.
How do you open up theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Opening it is just as easy: pull, and it’s open!
How do you assemble theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
You basically attach the wheels and it’s ready to go. OK, there are a few more parts to put together if you’re doing it for the first time, such as the frame, which you need to open up, and the canopy, which you need to attach, but it really only takes a few minutes, and pictures are included in the manual.
What’s storage like for theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Ā There’s a storage compartment underneath the City Mini GT Double that’s shaped like a basket and is large enough to fit a large backpack. You can also fit in a number of groceries in there, such as milk, bags of fruits and vegetables, and boxes of additional small things in there. To be honest, our 2 year old has also spent some time hiding in there–when we weren’t moving, of course. At least, that’s what I tell my wife…
What are the weight limits of theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double storage compartments?Ā
You can store up to 10 pounds of material in the basket and up to 2 pounds in each of the rear compartments behind each seat.
Is a parent console available for the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
Yes, but you’ll need to buy it on your own. We think it’s well worth the cost, as it’s nice to not have to worry about where you’re going to put a drink or a bit of food while walking around the mall.
How do you clean theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
To clean the seat fabric, it’s recommended to machine wash cold using a gentle detergent. Of course, you should pull away the metal frame and PE boards before you wash the seat, and you shouldn’t use any kinds of harsh chemicals. For drying, your best bet is to let it air dry directly on the frame; if you iron or do anything else, you can get fabric shrinkage.To clean the plastic and metal parts, a rag along with mild soap and warm water will work well. You’re not supposed to do anything to the folding mechanism or the brakes.The wheels are easily cleaned with a damp cloth, and Baby Jogger tells you to dry them thoroughly with a cloth or soft towel.
What is the warranty coverage like on theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double?
There is a limited lifetime warranty for the frame itself, and a one year warranty that accompanies fabrics. Wear and tear, rust, poor assembly, accidental damage, and improper storage or care aren’t covered, and you’ll need to be the original owner with proof of purchase to make a claim.
Is theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT DoubleĀ worth it?
In a word? Absolutely. It’s our default go to stroller when we don’t need jogging capabilities, and that’s saying something. It’s an incredibly comfortable, roomy, and frankly, easy stroller to get along with. We use it when traveling to the zoo, the park, the mall, and pretty much anywhere when we know we’re going to have smooth paved surfaces. In my opinion, it’s quite possibly the best non-jogging double stroller currently on the market.You can buy theĀ Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double in a range of colors and prints here.
If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.
BOB Revolution Flex Stroller Review: It’s Great!
BOB Strollers are among my favorite on the market right now when it comes to jogging options; they look good, they handle well, and they’re built to last. We’ve been a fan of our SE Duallie for a number of years and wrote a BOB SE Duallie review, and figured it was about time to review the Revolution Flex we’ve had around the house for a while. The Revolution Flex is an update of the Revolution SE, which has been around for a while. The primary difference between the two strollers is that the Revolution Flex has an adjustable handlebar, while the Revolution SE does not. That’s really the only difference between the two! However, let’s look at the details of the Revolution Flex together; it’s my goal to make this the most detailed BOB Revolution Flex review on the Internet.
Quick Review of the BOB Revolution Flex Single Stroller
The Ā handlebar in the Revolution Flex, which is the primary difference between it and the Revolution SE, can be adjusted in 9 positions and ranges in height from 34″ to 45.”
To be honest, I’m rather surprised that BOB changed the name simply because they changed the handlebar. They’ve already got a number of similar strollers such as the Strides Fitness, the CE, and the SE, and a number of parents have emailed or spoken to me for advice in the past about how to choose between them. At any rate, there are also color changes present: Black, Lagoon, Orange, and Wilderness, and the frame comes in silver and in black.
The Revolution Flex also comes with a large canopy, a roomy seat, an easy fold capability, a large basket, and a 5 point harness. All of these features are nice, but as a jogging parent, what I mot like are the excellent suspension system to deliver a smooth ride and the large, rubber, air-filled tires. You can get through any type of terrain with these tires, which is why BOB makes the best jogging strollers on the market. It comes in at 25 pounds on my scale, which is rather typical for a single jogging stroller.
On my 1 to 5 stroller rating scale, I award the Bob Revolution FlexĀ 5 out of 5 stars, simply because it does everything the Revolution SE does, but adds a bit more functionality due to the adjustable handlebar. The only feature I can think of that I’d really like to have in addition would be some kind of automatic braking system. However, I’m definitely a fan of the bright, sporty colors, and the ability to choose my frame color. You can buy it for free shipping, without sales tax, and with free returns from Amazon here.
Buy the BOB Revolution Flex Stroller on Sale at Amazon.
Pros of the BOB Revolution Flex
Expanded canopy.Ā The Revolution Flex has a wide, expanded, oversized canopy, which makes it just like its SE model twin. There are a pair of panels that can be folded downward to provide an excellent amount of shade and coverage from the sun, wind, and other elements. There is a peekaboo window present above the canopy that provides a great view of little ones through the clear plastic material. To close the canopy, however, you still need to deal with the rather noisy Velcro, which BOB would do well to replace with some kind of magnetic or button snap closure system when next they update it. However, this still remains one of the top jogging stroller canopies currently available.
Adjustable handlebar. This is another huge pro of the Revolution Flex, and it’s good to see BOB took parent feedback and the feedback I sent them regarding the SE.
There are 9 adjustable positions to the handlebar and the handlebar clicks smoothly through each of them. You can use them to adjust the height between 34″ and 45,” which is short and tall enough to make both shorter and taller parents and couples happy. I’m also pleased to find the nice foam padding on the handlebar.
Wrist strap.Ā The wrist strap, which is known as a runaway strap, is a safety feature. You attach it to the handlebar on one end and to your wrist on the other to keep the stroller from rolling away from you while you’re on the go. I’ll readily admit that this feature has kept my BOB from getting away from me once or twice in the past.
Comfortable and roomy seat.Ā Your kids get a lot of room in the Revolution Flex. I measure the seat as 23″ high from the canopy top to the seat bottom and 14.5″ wide end to end. There’s a good amount of padding in the seat that’s also stain-resistant, and I like how you can recline the seat to an almost completely flat position. I’m not a fan of the strap recline system, as there are a pair of straps, with one on the left side and the other on the right, which you’re going to need to adjust at the same time in order to recline the seat. With a number of other strollers, you can operate the recline with one hand since there’s only one strap, but that’s not the case here. Hopefully BOB brings either a one hand strap or a one hand lever soon. You can use it with children who are 6 months and older, and there’s a 70 pound weight limit, which will last most kids until at least the elementary school years. The materials used to make the seat are high-visibility, high-durability, and machine-washable.
Storage pockets in the seats. There are a pair of mesh pockets within the seat that you can use for just about anything. We use ours to keep snacks, a sippy cup, toys, or small articles of clothing like hats and mittens.
Five point harness.Ā Nearly every stroller on the market today comes with an adjustable 5-point harness, and the Revolution Flex is no exception. It’s a no-rethread harness, which means that you don’t need to remove the harness and re-hook it through the seat in order to adjust it for height, which is quite convenient. However, I’d like it more if the center release buckle were more difficult to unlock.
Behind the seat storage.Ā I’m not the most organized parentĀ out there, and if you’re anything like me, you appreciate every inch of storage you can find for everything your babies need. I sometimes feel like we’re going camping whenever we’re heading out with our stroller to the mall or to the zoo, and it’s really nice to have a good amount of storage behind the seat. There’s a zipper pocket that lets you put small things there.
Buy the BOB Revolution Flex Stroller on Sale at Amazon.
Generous basket beneath the seat.Ā The basket is where you’ll want to go to store the big things. The funny thing is that so many jogger strollers have small baskets for some reason; perhaps the manufacturers think people who are jogging are minimal parents, but in my case, I need a diaper bag and a few other things in there on each trip, and it’s great to have a good-sized basket for storage. You can also get to it easily from behind the seat and from the sides, which I like.
Large, air-filled wheels.Ā When you’re buying a jogging stroller, you’re buying it for the wheels, and the Revolution Flex delivers them in spades. These are amazing wheels! They’re filled with air, as wheels should be with jogging strollers, and the wheels are 12″ in diameter in the front and 16″ in diameter in the back. The tires are made of rubber and the wheels are high-impact polymer, or fancy plastic. We took ours off-road onto the local trails and didn’t have any issues; they’d also work quite well in snowy streets, in the beach, or in the grass. You can either set the front wheel to swivel or to lock for difficult terrain.
Adjustable suspension system.Ā You also benefit from an adjustable suspension system when you buy the Revolution Flex, and it’s the kind of system that makes you glad you bought a BOB instead of just any jogger. It’s adjustable and hydraulic-based to increase ride smoothness.
Foot-activated parking brake.Ā You also get a foot-based parking brake between the rear wheels. It’s capable of locking and holding both of your rear wheels for safety. However, it’s not designed to adjust easily, so you’ll need to put some force into it with your shoe.
Folds easily.Ā As I noted earlier, you need to fold the Revolution Flex with two hands, but it’s an easy process. However, there isn’t an automatic lock in place, which means you’ll need to apply a clip so the stroller stays in place once it’s been folded. You also can’t stand the stroller by itself once you’ve folded. The folded dimensions are 16″ in height, 25.5″ in width, and 39″ in length, so it’s a decent-sized stroller. If you can’t easily fit it in the trunk of your car, at least you can remove the rear wheels without much trouble.
Cons of the BOB Revolution Flex
No automatic braking system or lock.Ā The main cons of the Flex involve the lack of an automatic braking system, which I believe every stroller should have for safety, and the lack of an automatic lock. Hopefully both are present the next time the Revolution is refreshed.
Specifications of the BOB Revolution Flex
The Flex weights 25 pounds and has a 70 pound weight limit. Its folded dimensions are 16″ in height, 25.5″ in width, and 39″ in length. It’s 48″ long in swivel mode and 53″ long in jogging mode, while it has a 25.5″ overall width. The handlebar ranges from 34″ to 45″ and has a seat height of 23.”
Warranty on the BOB Revolution Flex
There is a 5 year limited warranty included with the BOB Revolution Flex when it comes to the frame and a 1 year warranty involving the fabric and small parts in the stroller. Given the reliability of BOB strollers, you’re unlikely to need it, but it’s nice to know it’s there.
Where to buy the BOB Revolution Flex
I prefer buying my strollers and similar baby items from Amazon, since they often have the lowest prices, free returns and shipping, and don’t charge sales tax.Ā I completely recommend the BOB Revolution Flex. You can buy it here in Lagoon, Wilderness, Orange, or Black.
If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.
Bumbleride Indie Twin Stroller Review: It’s The Best.
Bumbleride is a small mom and pop shop of a stroller company that grew out of a couple’s business aspirations back in 2004. They’ve carved out a small but growing niche in the world of strollers by offering a few select high end strollers for discerning parents with a sense of style. Yesterday, we reviewed the Indie, and today we’re reviewing the Bumbleride Indie Twin.
The Indie Twin is a side by side double stroller recently launched by Bumbleride and designed to compete with high end all terrain strollers like the Mountain Buggy Duet and Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin. These are strollers that thread the line between jogging and walking strollers, offering the comfort of walkers with the versatility of joggers. You might think of them as the crossovers of the stroller world.
The Bumbleride was designed by stylish young professionals with a nod to hipsterdom, hence the name, and as a result, offers various nods to ecological and stylistic sensibilities. For example, it’s completely made from polyester, with 50% of the interior polyester made from rayon created from bamboo and 50% of the exterior polyester made from recycled plastic bottles. It’s a slick-looking stroller that comes in a range of gorgeous colors and comes from a company with a commitment to quality over quality. And it comes in so many colors you’re guaranteed to find one that works well with your sense of chic.
We recently had the chance to borrow the Bumbleride Indie Twin double stroller for a while and see whether it lived up to its makers’ claims of being active, essential, and uniquely us. Here’s a thorough review of the Bumbleride Indie Twin with the pros, cons, and a final judgment on whether or not it’s worth its higher than average price tag. The short version of the review is that we definitely think it’s worth it if you can afford it, and you can buy it here. For the long version, keep reading!
Buy the Bumbleride Indie Twin stroller on Sale at Amazon.
Weight and Dimensions of the Bumbleride Indie Twin
How much does theĀ Bumbleride Indie TwinĀ weigh?
The Indie Twin weighs 34 pounds, which is about average for a side by side double stroller. There are definitely a few lighter double strollers out there, but not by many pounds. At least it’s not as heavy as the City Select.
What’s the narrowest door you can fit aĀ Bumbleride Indie TwinĀ through?
The Indie Twin is narrower than many side by side double strollers and is capable of fitting through a door 29.5″ wide. Practically speaking, that means a 30″ door, since mostĀ doors are measured to the nearest inch. And practically speaking, this also meant we were able to get through pretty much every part of our test mall in the Chicago suburbs (Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg) without a problem. It’s not quite the transcendental experience of a stroller like the Mountain Buggy Duet, but it’s still fun to know you’re not going to get stuck when passing through the average door.
What are the length, width, and height of the Ā Bumbleride Indie Twin?
The Bumbleride Indie Twin is 35″ long, 29.5″ wide, and 43″ tall when unfolded and 32″ long, 29.5″ wide and 15″ tall when folded. In other words, it folds up very nicely and has a very stable design when it is unfolded, which dramatically reduces the risk of it tipping over while kids are getting into or out of it. Of course, it’s always a good idea to be close by to help keep a stroller stable in such situations.
Using theĀ Bumbleride Indie TwinĀ withĀ Children
Can you use infant seat adapters with theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
Yes! You can use up to two infant seat adapters with the Bumbleride Indie Twin. A universal car seat adapter bar is included that’s compatible with a range of car seats, including the Graco Snugride 32, 35, and 40, as well as the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, Chicco KeyFit 30, Combi Shuttle, Baby Trend Flex Loc, and Britax Chaperone.
What are the recommended height, weight, and age limits for children you can fit in theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
The Bumbleride Indie Twin can be used with infants and older children as long as they fit. The weight limits for individual seats is 45 pounds while the combined weight limit is 90 pounds; there is no upper age limit. We’ve found with similar strollers that they can typically hold our kids until age 5 or 6, depending on the build of the child, and the Bumbleride Indie Twin was similar in this respect. Our 8 year old did not fit, while our 6 and 4 year olds did, as did our younger kids. Keep in mind that you can also purchase a bassinet to install in the Indie Twin, which is only an option in a handful of double strollers in the United States. This fact alone won over Suzy and had her itching to sell our BOB for the Bumbleride.
Buy the Bumbleride Indie Twin on Sale at Amazon here.
What are the seats, sun canopies, and seat support like in theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
The seats in the Bumbleride Indie Twin are very, very comfortable. Our kids love them and they easily pass the sleep test. Bumbleride also confirmed that they use a blended bamboo-like fabric inside the seats, which results in their not only being comfortable but also moisture absorbing and temperature regulating. The exterior fabric also looks strong and durable, which adds confidence when you’re spending a pretty penny on a stroller like this.
Both seats also come with a 5-point breakaway harness, which is great for securing the kids and keeping their arms from getting tangled in the harness straps. The seats themselves are 11″ wide and 10″ long, while the backrests are 18″ long, 11″ wide, and 19″ high when measured to the top of the backrest from the seat. The canopies themselves are 22″ high, while the footrest is 10″ long and 11″ wide for each child. Did I mention that the footrest is adjustable? Because my 4 year old keeps wanting me to add that to the review.
The sun canopies are large and angled nicely; they adjust independently so one child can be in the sun while the other is in the shade, or vice versa. They also have built-in SPF 45 sun protection, which is nice when you forget sunscreen on the really hot days at the Brookfield Zoo in the summer. The only other stroller we’ve come across with SPF 45 protection in the canopies was the Valco Baby Tri Mode SE, which costs almost exactly as much as the Indie Twin.
Can you recline the seats in theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
Yes! You get a near-flat recline in the Bumbleride Indie Twin and you also get a pair of adjustable footrests for the little ones. The fact that the recline is almost flat makes the Bumbleride Indie Twin a great choice for infant transport. Of course, if you choose, you can also purchase a Bumbleride bassinet, which they call a Carrycot, and tote your little ones around in that instead.
Moving, Using, and Storing theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin
What is it like to push theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin, and is the handlebar adjustable?

The Bumbleride Indie Twin simply glided wherever we took it, whether we were on road or doing some light off-roading. It’s not a true jogging stroller in the traditional three-wheel configuration, run a marathon or 5k sense, but you could definitely use it for light jogging or hiking in a state park without problems. In fact, we took ours down to Starved Rock, and had a great time there looking for bald eagles with the kids. You can lock the front wheels if you’re in the mood for light jogging, of course.
The handlebar in the Bumbleride Indie Twin adjusts between 25″ and 43″, which means that anyone from a hobbit to a giant should be able to maneuver the stroller without problems.
Buy the Bumbleride Indie Twin on Sale at Amazon here.
What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
The tires are one of our favorite parts of the Bumbleride Indie Twin, as we’re pretty sure they’re part of why the stroller is such a joy to push. They’re air inflated and 12″ in diameter, which means you’ve got a solid foot of tire all the way around the stroller, which certainly makes it an easier affair to push through grass, mud, or a bit of snow now and then. You get rear-wheel suspension as well to soften the impact of the ride.
How easy is it to pack up, assemble, or disassemble theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
Assembly, disassembly, and general packing up of the Bumbleride Indie Twin is a piece of cake. The stroller practically folds itself up, although you do need to pay attention the first couple of times you do it to make sure everything closes properly.
What are the cargo storage and weight limits of theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin?
There isn’t a supplied weight limit for the storage compartments of the Bumbleride Indie Twin, but based on the solid construction throughout the rest of the stroller, I wouldn’t spend any time worrying about it. You get a generous amount of space in the lower basket and there are additional pockets behind the seats for extra storage.Ā The stroller does take up a bit of space in the back of trunk despite its compact folding, but that has more to do with the fact that it’s a double stroller than anything poor in the design.There are a few extras that aren’t included that you’ll probably want to pick up if you get the Indie Twin, such as the parent console and the non-PVC rain shield. Both are modestly priced and are good to have on hand. The Carrycot is more expensive but in line with typical bassinet prices and is well made; our youngest was quite the fan of sleeping in it.
Concluding thoughts on theĀ Bumbleride Indie Twin
Is theĀ Bumbleride Indie TwinĀ worth it?
In a word, yes. The Bumbleride Indie Twin is more expensive than the strollers most people are going to pick up, but if you’re looking for an incredibly attractive stroller that works well with infants and all kinds of terrain, this is definitely one you should keep in mind. To put it simply,Ā it’s easily the best double stroller on the market right now. You can buy the Bumbleride Indie Twin in Jet Black, Aquamarine, Grey/Orange, Cayenne Red, and Green Papyrus here.
If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.
Bumbleride Indie Stroller Review: Best Single Stroller.
Bumbleride is perhaps my favorite stroller company right now, thanks to the Indie Twin stroller, which is our go-to stroller these days when carting the kids around. My husbandĀ and I decided to take a look at the single stroller version, the Indie, in order to see if it could measure up to its sibling, and the good news is that it does. The Bumbleride Indie is an amazing single all-terrain stroller. It’s clearly marketed toward parents who value style, safety, and functionality; you can do light jogging with it and it doesn’t take up an entire sidewalk or store aisle when you’re using it on regular terrain. What follows is what I believe to be the most detailed Bumbleride Indie stroller review on the Internet.
Quick Review of the Bumbleride Indie Single Stroller
The Bumbleride Indie stroller, frankly, is a mom or dad’sĀ dream. The canopy is huge, the foot Ā rest is adjustable, the recline goes waaaay down, the seat is roomy, the under seat basket is generously sized, and the frame is nice and light. I had to whip out the scale the other day because it felt too light to be real. In fact, it only weighs 20 pounds. The fact that it comes with air-filled tires and has a suspension system along the rear tires only helps make the ride an even smoother one. It practically pushes itself when on the move, and you only need one hand to make it glide. I also like the fact that eco-friendly fabrics were used to make the seats, and that as an aside, they aid in temperature regulation and in moisture absorption. It’s a pretty futuristic stroller, isn’t it?
However, it’s also a highly functional one. You can turn the Bumbleride Indie into a travel system by using the car seat adapter that’s included with the stroller, or by buying the matching bassinet. You can also recline the seat low enough to make it similar to a bassinet and quite newborn-friendly if you choose to, which gets rid of the need to buy a bassinet to begin with. You even get a bumper bar! The stroller itself is usable from birth and has a maximum child weight of 45 pounds. If you’d like to transport twins or siblings, you’ll want to check out the Bumbleride Indie Twin review , which goes into why the Bumbleride Indie Twin is our favorite double stroller on the market. Similarly, if you want an all-terrain stroller but don’t need one that’s quite as attuned to jogging as the Indie, you’ll want to look into our review of the Bumbleride Indie 4, which will likely suit your needs.
I’d rate the Bumbleride Indie Single stroller withĀ 5 out 5 starsĀ due to the sheer amount of quality it provides in terms of both form and function. I love the features, the handling, and the look of it, and I wouldn’t change anything except to add an automatic brake to it. Pretty much everything else is included in it, and I’m not easy to please. Ā The stroller isn’t cheap by any means, but when it comes to strollers, I’ve learned that you get what you pay for, and if you’re interested in high levels of quality and long-lasting reliability, the Indie stroller is the best single all-terrain stroller on the market. The cheapest price I’ve found so far for the Bumbleride Indie is on Amazon here, which also gets you the car seat adapter, bumper bar, and a cup holder. Keep in mind that some colors are cheaper than others. You can also pick up the Indie Twin on Amazon for their sale price with free shipping, free returns, and without sales tax.
Buy the Bumbleride Indie Single Stroller on Sale at Amazon.
Pros of theĀ Bumbleride IndieĀ Stroller
Huge canopy.Ā The canopy on the Bumbleride Indie is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time on a single stroller, and it makes me happy every time I put my kids into it. It extends from its storage area by the handle bar to the bumper bar in the front of the stroller, which means your little ones can get complete coverage and shade from the sun at any time, regardless of the weather. Even if you completely recline the seat, you can keep your child covered and out of the sun.
The sun’s rays also won’t be an issue for your child’s skin, as SPF 45 UV protection is built into the canopy. The canopy connects to the seat back with metallic snap buttons and a zipper is also located in the back part of the canopy so it can be turned into a floating canopy that you can move with the path of the sun. When the days get hot, I tend to unzip the canopy so more air can circulate throughout the seating area.
Above the canopy is a mesh peekaboo window that also allows for air ventilation. The peekaboo window is opened and closed through Velcro straps, which can be a bit noisy, but it works well enough. It would also be nice if the window were a bit larger, but besides that, I have absolutely no complaints, and would easily label this as the best single stroller canopy you’re going to find on the market.
Adjustable handle bar. I think every stroller should have an adjustable handle bar, and Bumbleride clearly agrees. You can adjust the height from 25″ above the ground to 43″, which is generous enough to accommodate parents of all sizes. There is a foam covering on the handle bar on the left and right sides while there’s a metal grip in the center that allows you to steer the stroller with a single hand. I like the grip, as it adds a stylish touch to the stroller and it also makes it easier to move the stroller around when I’m using the other hand to talk on the phone or manage my dogs on their leash.
Adjustable cup holder.Ā I’m also a fan of the fact that a cup holder is actually included in this stroller; this is an increasingly rare phenomenon! I can fit a typical bottle of water inside it or a generously sized cup of coffee. There’s a curved opening in the center of the cup holder that allows it to adjust to fit cups of different sizes, which adds to its utility. You can remove the cup holder to place it on either side of the stroller. As a coffee drinker, I love this.
Large and roomy seat.Ā The seat is 12.5″ in width and 22″ in height as measured from the bottom of the seat to the canopy top. You can recline the seat nearly completely with one hand, but in order to raise the seat, you will need a pair of hands. The recline isn’t completely flat, but it’s incredibly close to a flat position. The Bumbleride Indie is usable from birth and can support children until they reach 45 pounds. Examples of good car seats you can use with the Indie as a travel system include the Chicco KeyFit 30 and other great infant seats I recommend.
Built-in almost bassinet.Ā Part of what I like the most about the Bumbleride Indie is that you can turn it into a bassinet-like seat for your child. If you set the recline as far back as possible to its nearly-flat position and pull the leg rest to its highest setting, you get what looks almost completely like a bassinet. It’s not necessary to remove your bumper bar to make this happen. You can clip a pair of materials located beneath the leg rest to each side of the seat for additional support, as well as a big rap of material around the seat top designed to keep your baby safe if you unclip the canopy from behind the seat.
In other words, this feature was designed intentionally and with safety in mind; these are some of the details that make this a luxury stroller. Of course, it’s also possible to buy an actual bassinet from Bumbleride so you can make the stroller a pram. And let me tell you, there aren’t very many all-terrain or jogging strollers that allow you to purchase bassinets as accessories.
Buy the Bumbleride Indie Single Stroller on Sale at Amazon.
Environmentally friendly fabric.Ā The fabrics used for the Bumbleride canopy and seat are designed to both help regulate the body temperature of your little one and absorb moisture naturally. The fabrics are made of a blend of bamboo and nylon and are organic and designed with the Earth in mind. As an ecologically-conscious parent, I appreciate that. The stroller exterior is made from recycled materials, and are tough and resistant to the elements, which gives me a lot of confidence while using it.
Padded 5-point harness. The harness for the Bumbleride Indie is adjustable and padded and includes a recently redesigned center release button. The button is designed to make it difficult for restless children to get themselves out, and it seems to do the job quite well. There are 4 positions for harness height and the shoulder straps may be separated from the lower waist straps, which makes it easier to get children into and out of the seat.
Padded bumper bar.Ā The bumper bar is included with the Bumbleride, which is nice when you consider the fact that it’s not the cheapest stroller on the market. You can adjust the bumper bar and snap it in and out quite easily. It has the same weatherproof fabric as that used in the canopy, and the fabric can be removed simply by unzipping it.
Adjustable foot rest.Ā The foot rest, which was updated recently, is adjustable in the leg rest area. You can set the leg rest at a flat horizontal angle and at a negative, drop down angle. Because the foot drop angle has been steepened, it’s possible to fit taller children now in the Bumbleride, which makes it more useful in my perspective.
Deep, large basket.Ā The basket beneath the Bumbleride is a good one; quite deep and large and wide. You can get to it without any trouble even if you’ve fully reclined the seat, which is a blessing, considering how hard that it to do with a number of other strollers. You can fit a full diaper bag and a few small groceries or toys there, and you also can access it from the left and right sides of the stroller.
All-terrain wheels.Ā There are three tires on the Bumbleride Indie, and they work marvelously. They are 12″ in diameter and air-filled. You can easily remove the rear wheels in order to achieve a more compact fold. You can swivel the front wheel at up to 360 degrees to achieve full maneuverability while on the move or you can lock it in place to give you extra stability while jogging or on trails.
Rear-wheel suspension.Ā The rear-wheel suspension works in tandem with those large and beefy tires to create a stroller that can handle just about any kind of terrain without giving you bumps. It’s really easy to push and I don’t have any trouble steering it with one hand, which is great when I’m trying to make it to the minivan to get too many groceries put away. I’ve tried it in a couple of inches of snow and the Bumbleride didn’t give me a lick of trouble there either.
Rear foot-activated parking brake.Ā Between the two rear wheels, you’ll find the foot brake. It’s a paddle-style brake, which means you just press on it with your foot to activate it and then pull up with your foot to release it. It takes a bit of force to move in either direction.
Easy (though not the easiest) fold.Ā You can fold the Bumbleride Indie with a pair of hands in three steps. You first need to retract the canopy and pull down the bumper bar to its lowest position. You then pull on a pair of levers, one on either side of the stroller, and at the same time, move the handle bar into a forward position. If you want to fold the stroller in half, there’s a strap in the middle of the seat that you’ll need to pull. Keep in mind that the stroller can’t stand on its own, which means you’ll need to lower it to the ground when you want to lock it, as there isn’t an automatic lock. The folded dimensions are reasonably compact at 32″ in length, 24.5″ in width, and 15″ in height. The rear wheels can also be removed if you’ve got a shortage of space in your trunk.
Car seat adapter.Ā Finally, I’m a fan of the included car seat adapter, as it lets you form a travel system from your Indie stroller. You can use the adapter with Graco, Britax, Combi, Peg Perego, and Chicco car seats. There are a number of highly capableĀ infant seatsĀ that will work with the Indie.
Cons of theĀ Bumbleride IndieĀ Stroller
No automatic braking system.Ā The biggest drawback, from my perspective, of the Indie stroller is that it doesn’t come with a system for automatically braking the stroller if you lose contact with it, the way the Navigator and Classic strollers do. This is a feature that should come with every stroller, in my opinion, due to the great safety boost it provides. Hopefully Bumbleride adds it in the next update to the Indie.
Two hand fold.Ā This is a minor qualm, but I wish you could fold the stroller up completely with a single hand. It would also be nice if there were an automatic locking system included.
Specifications of theĀ Bumbleride IndieĀ Stroller
The Indie Stroller weighs 20 pounds and has a 45 pound weight limit. Its folded dimensions are 32″ in height, 24.5″ in width, and 15″ in length. The handle bar can range from 25″ to 43″ in height, and the seat itself is 22″ high. The air-filled wheels are 12″ in diameter.
Warranty on theĀ Bumbleride IndieĀ Stroller
There is a 3-year-warranty from Bumbleride with the purchase of the Indie. The clock starts ticking on the date of purchase. You can find more information about the warranty here.
Where to buy the Bumbleride IndieĀ Stroller
I prefer buying my strollers and similar baby items from Amazon, since they often have the lowest prices, free returns and shipping, and donāt charge sales tax.Ā I completely recommend the Bumbleride Indie Stroller. You can buy it here in Green Papyrus, Aquamarine, Jet Black, Cayenne Red, and Fog Grey.
If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.