Tag Archives: stroller

Britax B-Agile Double Stroller Review

The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is probably the most popular double stroller among our circle of parents with multiple parents, and for good reason. To be honest, it offers most of the features present in our Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double, except it costs significantly less. We have had the opportunity to borrow one from the neighbors several times while our strollers were being borrowed, and I’ve gotten to know the stroller very well as a result. In short: it’s worth picking up if you’re interested in a high quality double stroller for walking that won’t break the bank.

Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller on the Internet.

britax-b-agile-double-111-3fb-l (1)Weight and Dimensions of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

How much does the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller weigh?

The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is the lightest double stroller I’ve weighed so far, coming in at 28 pounds, which perfectly matches Britax’s measurements. Mike likes it because it’s easier for him to lift in and out of our car trunks without straining anything.

Buy the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Britax B-Agile Double Stroller through?

You can fit a Britax B-Agile Double Stroller through a door at least 30.5 inches wide, which is slightly smaller than a standard door. It’s right in line with comparable side by side walking strollers like the City Mini GT Double in this respect. We tried and tried throughout a local mall and couldn’t find any doors it wouldn’t fit in. The trying was fun for me, while the mall shopping was fun for Mike (really!).

What are the length, width, and height of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is 40 inches long, 30.5 inches wide, and 41.4 inches tall when it is unfolded and ready for use. When it’s packed up for storage and transportation, the width remains the same, but the length shrinks to 30.5″ and the height drops dramatically to 13.”

Where can I find the user manual for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

You can download the user manual at Britax’s website for the stroller here. As is commonly done with the major stroller manufacturers, it’s available in English, French, and Spanish.

Using the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller with Children

Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Unfortunately not. You can only fit one infant car seat in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller at a time. Britax specifically states that the infant car seat receivers need to be set up in the right seat, and not in the left.

Depending on your car seat, you may or may not need to purchase an additional adapter. Some Britax infant car seats (e.g., the Britax Chaperone and B-Safe lines) work out of the box with the Britax adapter. However, other seats will require

What’s the tallest child you can fit in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The tallest child Britax recommends placing in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is 44″ tall. However, if you’re willing to bend the rules a bit (and we’ve done so with every double stroller we’ve ever bought without ill effects), you can fit children at least 46″ tall in the stroller; it really depends on whether the child is long in the legs or in the torso.

For the record, we know a friend who regularly takes her 8-year-old daughter in the stroller simply because it’s so fun to push and apparently so comfortable to sit in. We don’t judge.

What’s the recommended age range for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Britax states the seat is appropriate from birth and does not provide an upper age limit for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller. However, practically speaking, you’ll probably top out at around 5 years of age, given the dimensions of the stroller.

Britax additionally states that it’s best to use an infant car seat to transport infants in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller until they have head and neck control.

How much can children weigh while using the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Two children can have a combined weight of up to 100 pounds in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller. However, the individual weight of each child should not exceed 50 pounds. This is another one of those rules that we break all the time when using double strollers, but it’s worth being aware of what Britax says about it.

Is a child tray included with the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Unfortunately, you’ll have to purchase a tray separately for children when buying the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller. Also note that you’ll need trays that were specifically designed for the double stroller; the B-Agile single stroller trays won’t work, as they’re too wide.

71Jkue4CE1L._SL1467_Seating in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

What are the seats made of in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The seats in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller are made of a soft cloth fabric that’s easy to wash; more information about that is below.

What is seat support like in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Seat support in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is rather good, at least as judged by our kids. If you feel along the back of the seat, there is a ridge from the mechanism that lets you adjust the strap height, and there is a small plastic plate located just behind the head area. However, none of our kids have ever complained about either of these, and they’re the ones the seats are designed for, so I wouldn’t worry about this at all.

Can you recline the seats in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Yes, the seats recline significantly in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller. They aren’t completely flat, but they recline enough to easily use with infants from birth, and not nearly every double stroller can say that.

What is leg room like in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The leg room is decent in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller; a front leg rest is included and our kids didn’t have any problems falling asleep while riding, which is always a good sign for head to toe comfort.

What are the sun canopies like in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The sun canopies on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller are huge. They’re the same ones as found on the Britax B-Agile Single strollers, and they do a great job of keeping our little ones out of the sun.

As is typical with high end double strollers, the canopies are independently adjustable, which is convenient when you’ve got two children installed who want or need different levels of visibility and shade. There are also peek-a-boo flaps so you can check in on your little ones or allow greater amounts of airflow into the stroller.

One annoyance here is that if you’ve got the Britax B-Safe infant seat set up, you aren’t going to be able to drop the canopy on the right down unless you work the canopy around the right side of the car seat. However, this makes sense when you consider the fact that the seats are narrower than they are in the single stroller, but the car seat, of course, remains the same size.

What is the rain canopy for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller like?

The rain canopy for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is a separate and well-worth it purchase, in my opinion. It does a good job of keeping the kids dry during wet weather and also of shielding them from wind on cooler days.

Buy the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon.


Pushing and Moving the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

What is it like to push the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

It’s hard to complain about the ride on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller. When we take it indoors on hard surfaces, such as at the mall or in an all-in-one or department store, we love it. Taking it to Whole Foods is a marvelous experience.

However, a jogging stroller this is not; if we push it outdoors in grass, it gets tricky, though it’s definitely doable. A good way to put it is that you can feel the texture of a road when using it outdoors, and both Mike and I agree that our City Mini GT Double offers a slightly smoother ride when the conditions are less than ideal. Neither can compete with our BOB Revolution on off-road conditions, but neither is a jogging stroller.

Turning the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is very easy; the turn radius is tight and the stroller doesn’t feel sluggish, so you can successfully turn it with one hand.

Is the handlebar on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller adjustable?

Yes! The Britax B-Agile Double Stroller handle is adjustable. This is a big plus, as it’s not always a given on double strollers, even on the expensive ones. Because it’s adjustable, our friends who are 6’4″ and 5’9″ can both comfortably use the stroller when transporting their 3 and 1-year olds.

How is the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller’s suspension?

The suspension is pretty good; you’ll notice a few pumps when going over uneven sidewalks or cracks in even ones, but aside from that, as long as you’re keeping it on paved surfaces, you’ll have few complaints. Steering is also quite good. You can turn it nicely; the turning radius is about the same length as the stroller, which makes it very maneuverable. Oh, and the suspension is on all wheels.

What are the brakes like on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

There is a linked parking brake on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller that you can use to lock both wheels in the back. You don’t get fancy features like a handlebar-activated brake here, but if you’re willing to spend more, there are definitely strollers that’ll give you such features.

What are the wheels and tires like on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The wheels aren’t the best part of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller; they have a bit of a cheaper feel to them. That’s not because they’re made of plastic, but because they get scuffed pretty easily after you start using them. However, they’re plenty durable and you simply need to look past the aesthetics to appreciate how good of a job they do.

Are the wheels on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller removable?

Yes! I have no idea how manufacturers still make strollers without removable wheels, but the wheels in the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller are definitely removable. They’re also lockable so you can use the stroller with a bit more stability.

How do I fix a flat tire on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

There aren’t any flat tires with the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller because the wheels are made of plastic! Despite my preference for air-filled wheels when going off-road with a double stroller, I have to admit that when it comes down to it, plastic wheels are more durable, simply because they either shatter completely or keep working until the job is done. Can you tell I don’t like dealing with flat tires on double strollers?

Storing and Transporting the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller  

How do you pack up the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Folding the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller couldn’t be easier. There’s a “1 touch” button that you press to fold things up, and there is an automatic lock that keeps the stroller from flying open when you’re storing or transporting it.

How do you open up the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

It’s as easy to open up the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller as it is to close it; it only takes a couple of seconds to do.

How do you assemble the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

The assembly process for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is rather simple; you essentially take it out of the box, put the wheels on, set up the canopies, and past yourself on the back for putting it together before your spouse was home. I’d say it’s a 10 minute job if you haven’t put a stroller together before.

Cargo and Storage of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

What’s storage like for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

There are three storage compartments available for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller; two are behind the seats while the main one is beneath them. This is the standard configuration for side by side double strollers, and Britax didn’t try to change it. However, they did add a unique touch to the bottom compartment…

Something that’s really nice and relatively unique about the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller is that you can access the bottom storage compartment from the front beneath the foot rest through a zipper. It doesn’t sound like something that would be that much of a benefit, but it strangely is!

What are the weight limits of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller storage compartments? 

The limit for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller basket is 10 pounds while the maximum weight limits for the storage pockets is 1 pound. You get more pounds for the rear pockets in certain other double strollers, but it’s a small compromise again for significant savings.

Is a parent console available for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

Unfortunately not; you’ll need to purchase that on your own. Britax calls it a stroller organizer, and it’s pretty awesome. I’d definitely recommend picking it up and making use of the drink holders; there are days when you’ll really need one after dealing with two kids…or three, or four, in our case. Of course, I’m referring to a drink of your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. I like Snapple, personally, and order crates of it each month.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

How do you clean the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller? 

To clean the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller, you basically need mild soap and a damp cloth for the frame, and a dry cloth or towel for drying and wiping away excess soap and water. If you’re cleaning the fabric and harness, you’ll want to keep in mind that the cover shouldn’t be washed or dried by machines; instead, you’re supposed to hand wash using cold water, mild soap, and air drying. If you’re dealing with plastic, you’ll again want your mild soap and damp cloth. No solvents should be used anywhere, as you can corrode metal and weaken plastic.

What is the warranty coverage like on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller?

There is a limited 2 year warranty for the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller that requires a proof of purchase, and it doesn’t include damage that arises from any kind of misuse or salt corrosion. The warranty isn’t as strong as that offered by Baby Jogger and BOB, but it’s still much better than nothing. With a stroller of this quality, you aren’t likely to need it anyway.

Concluding thoughts on the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller

Is the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller worth it?

In my opinion, yes! It’s a high quality side by side double walking stroller that features most of the things we love about our City Mini GT Double while costing a lot less. It also features a few different things that aren’t present in one or more high-end double strollers we’re familiar with, such as the ability to load the bottom compartment from beneath our kids’ feet. Besides that, it’s relatively light, easy to push, and fits in pretty much any normal door.If we weren’t already happy with our Indie Twin and had a smaller budget, this could easily serve as our first and only double stroller.

You can buy the Britax B-Agile Double Stroller in black, red, and sandstone here.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Mountain Buggy Duet Double Buggy Stroller Review

mountainbuggyThe Mountain Buggy Duet Double Buggy Stroller is one of those strollers that turns our heads whenever we see it, simply because it stands out among a sea of BOBs, Britaxes, and Baby Joggers. Don’t get me wrong; all of those brands are wonderful at what they do. However, there are just some things we can’t do with our double strollers that are possible with the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Stroller, and they’re worth exploring in case you’re interested in picking up what’s a rather unique stroller. I mean, it’s from New Zealand! How often do you get a stroller from the other side of the world?

With that in mind, I finally borrowed one from one of my friends and set to learn everything possible about it. Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Stroller on the Internet.

Weight and Dimensions of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

How much does the Mountain Buggy Duet Double weigh?

The Mountain Buggy Duet Double weighs 34 pounds according to my digital scale, which puts it right around the average weight for most of the double strollers I’ve used in this price range.

mb2-239x300What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Mountain Buggy Duet Double through?

The Mountain Buggy is capable of fitting through doors as narrow as 25 inches, which makes it by far the narrowest side by side double stroller on the market today. It’s almost a transcendental experience using it the first time you realize that you just made it through a door that would have stopped any other side by side stroller in its tracks.

What are the length, width, and height of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double ?

The Duet is 40 inches long, 25 inches wide, and between 31 and 42 inches high, depending on the height you set the adjustable handlebar to.

Where can I find the user manual for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double ?

You can find the user manual online at Mountain Buggy’s site here.

Buy the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

Using the Mountain Buggy Duet Double with Children

mountainbuggy3Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Mountain Buggy Duet Double ?

Yes! This is the second biggest selling point for the Mountain Buggy besides its amazingly narrow width. You can use either two travel systems or a pair of carrycots by Mountain Buggy.

What’s the tallest child you can fit in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The Mountain Buggy Duet can accommodate children up to 44″ in height.

What’s the recommended age range for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The recommended age for the Mountain Buggy Duet ranges from birth to age 5, which is in line with most other double strollers. Technically, the age 5 limit is actually higher than that of most double strollers on the market. However, the amount of time you’ll get out of the stroller will naturally depend on the height and weight of your children.

How much can children weigh while using the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Children can individually weigh up to 39.5 pounds, or a combined weight of 80 pounds. This weight limit is significantly less than that found in most high-end side by side strollers, which tend to top out at 100 pounds. However, such is the price of the size flexibility of the Duet.

Is a child tray included with the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

A child tray is not included with the Double, unfortunately. But seeing as it would have to be shipped from New Zealand, this is forgivable.

Seating in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

mountainbuggyWhat are the seats made of in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The seats are made of a polyester fabric cover that’s comfortable and, just as importantly, easy to clean. They aren’t the widest seats, but they’ll let you fit the stroller (and your kids) just about anywhere.

What is seat support like in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Seat support is pretty good in the Duet Double; it’s not a Lexus, but it’s comfortable enough to pass the sleeping child test, which, in our opinion, is easily the best indicator of stroller comfort. A 5-point harness that’s adjustable with a single hand is included with both seats.

Can you recline the seats in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Yes! This is another part of the Duet Double that we absolutely love. You can recline the seats to a completely flat position, which is simply wonderful for newborns and young infants. Mountain Buggy describes the recline as infinite, which means you can choose any position between the fully raised upright angle and fully lowered lie-flat angle.

What is leg room like in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The leg room seems quite good; our kids don’t complain or look cramped when we use it. However, do keep in mind that the seats are going to be narrower than those in most side by side strollers simply because the stroller itself is narrower. Such is the price of mobility!

mb4-200x300What are the sun canopies like in the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The sun canopies are independent and good-sized. However, the coverage isn’t the massive kind you’d see in something like a City Mini, but it’s still good enough to keep the kids out of the sun.

What is the rain canopy for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double like?

The Mountain Buggy rain shield is solid and does a good job of keeping little ones dry. It also does a surprisingly good job of staying warm on cooler days, and it’s always nice to be able to see the kids well while they’re in there.

Pushing and Moving the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

What is it like to push the Mountain Buggy Duet Double? 

It’s a smooth, fun experience pushing the Mountain Buggy Duet Double. Being a walking stroller, it’s not designed for off-roading use, but it’s definitely possible to do some light trail work with it. And yes, you can lock the front wheels and take it for a run. The Duet is extraordinarily stable, which is a very good thing for safety-conscious and responsible parents. It’s not the best thing for–ahem–more adventurous parents, as it might, um, encourage them to use the stroller as a jogging stroller all the time. For testing purposes.More importantly, when using it as intended, it takes very little effort to turn; we find it much, much easier to turn it with one hand than our City Mini GT Double, which is already a great stroller.

Is the handlebar on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double adjustable?

Yes! You can adjust it down to 31″ and up to 42″, which means that pretty much any adult will be able to find a comfortable height for pushing.

How is the Mountain Buggy Duet Double’s suspension?

The Duet Double has rear wheel suspension, and it does a decent job of keeping the bumps to a minimum when you’re on the move. Again, it’s important to note that this isn’t a jogging stroller, so you’re not going to get nearly as smooth of a ride if you try it in heavy trails.

What are the brakes like on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

There is a pedal foot brake on the Duet Double that does a good job of helping keep the speed down when on the move. Per Mountain Buggy it is certified for safety.

mountainbuggyWhat are the wheels and tires like on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

The tires on the Duet Double are 10″ in diameter and made of rubber. They’re inflatable, which isn’t a feature you always find on non-jogging strollers, so we were quite happy to discover this; it’s probably a big part of what makes the ride so smooth. The longevity of the tires isn’t the best, however; you’ll probably want to plan on replacing them after a couple of years. That said, they make it easy to get around on uneven surfaces.

Are the wheels on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double removable?

Yes! You can remove the tires on the Duet Double, even though you almost certainly won’t need to do so.

How do I fix a flat tire on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Just pump! You actually have a built in pump with the Duet Double, which is extremely awesome. I’d recommend buying a cheap patch kit to go along with it so you can go anywhere, at any time, without fearing a flat.

Storing and Transporting the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

mb5-300x199How do you pack up the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Folding the Duet Double up just takes a press of a latch. However, it can still be a bit awkward to do, even though the procedure itself isn’t that complicated. The nice thing about it is that it folds down to a very small size, which means it’s a piece of cake to store it in just about any vehicle or space you can think of. I also like that you don’t need to remove any parts of it when you’re folding it up.That said, if you need a bit more space, you can simply take off the wheels, and you don’t need tools to do so. Score!

Cargo and Storage of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

What’s storage like for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

There’s what Mountain Buggy calls a gear tray beneath the Duet Double that lets you store a surprisingly large amount of parent and child stuff. Of course, if you only have one child traveling, you can also use the other seat for storage…or shopping.

What are the weight limits of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double compartments?

The weight limit for the lower gear tray in the Duet Double is 11 pounds.

Is a parent console available for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

Yes, a parent console is definitely available for the Duet Double, although it would have been really nice if it had been included by default. Hey, you can’t have everything for free, right? You do get a bottle holder and grab bar, at least.

Buy the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

How do you clean the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

To clean the Duet Double, you simply wipe it with a damp cloth. The fabric is designed to wipe clean easily and dry quickly. It does the job. The fabric coverings are 100% polyester, which is common in this price range due to its durability and easy cleaning capabilities.

How long is the warranty for the Mountain Buggy Duet Double?

A 1 year warranty comes with the Mountain Buggy Duet Double. I’d have preferred a longer one, but judging from the way this one is holding up 2 years later, it doesn’t look like it will be necessary.

Concluding thoughts on the Mountain Buggy Duet Double

Is the Mountain Buggy Duet Double worth it?

In my opinion, the Mountain Buggy Duet Double stroller is absolutely worth it if you’re looking for a side by side double stroller that can go anywhere a single stroller can without skipping a beat. It’s a surreal experience using it and approaching any door, any time with an “I got this” feeling. For me, that alone makes it worth it. The fact that you can recline both seats completely flat too isn’t bad either. Yes, it’s pricey, but if you can afford it, you can’t afford not to.You can buy the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Buggy Stroller here.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Valco Baby Tri-mode Twin EX Stroller Review

810zxyOEZeL._SL1500_Valco Baby is one of those companies most US parents have never heard of that has established a reputation as a manufacturer and marketer of high end single strollers. They hail from Australia and have quietly been working on their craft for 30 years, much like Mountain Buggy next door in New Zealand. However, despite their prowess in the single stroller arena, they also have a number of double strollers that, while more expensive, are certainly worth looking into if you’re tired of searching through the vast seas of BOBs, Baby Joggers, and Britaxes.

The Valco Baby Tri-mode EX Twin is one such stroller well worth considering. It’s a high end side by side double jogging stroller, although it’s technically marketed as an all terrain and light jogging stroller. While it’s pricey, it has some features that you simply aren’t going to find in any other stroller on the market, such as its absolutely massive storage capacity, to the tune of 90 pounds worth of storage available beyond the kiddos. Valco Baby describes it as a versatile stroller, and if I had to use one word to describe it, that’s the one I’d choose. It’s just a very strong all around, do everything, go everywhere kind of machine.

After spending a week using it in all kinds of conditions throughout the urban jungle that is Chicago, Illinois, it’s set to become one of my favorite double strollers of all time, and we might just have to buy one very soon if our friends want this copy back. Here is an extremely detailed review of the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin.

Buy the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin on Sale at Amazon.

Weight and Dimensions of the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin

How much does the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX weigh?

With the wheels installed, the Tri Mode EX Twin weighs 33 pounds, which places it comfortably in the range of other high end side by side double jogging strollers like the BOB Duallie and Summit X3. If you take the wheels off, it weighs just under 28 pounds. You’re not going to use it without the wheels, of course, but it’s nice to know if you’re putting it into storage, especially since it’s one heck of a stroller in size.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX through?

You can fit a Tri Mode EX Twin through a door 29″ wide, which makes this one of the narrowest side by side double jogging strollers out there. Most of its competitors are in the 30″ to 32″ wide range, and while you wouldn’t think a couple of inches could make such a difference, the truth is that they do when you’re trying to squeeze between large people in a crowded store or clothing racks in a mall or customers in a tiny hole in the wall cafe in the hipster part of town. Trust me; 29″ makes it a lot easier to get around. With a week’s worth of exploring, there wasn’t a single door we found that we couldn’t squeeze the Valco Baby through. And that made us smile.

What are the length, width, and height of the  Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

The Tri Mode EX Twin is 29″ wide, 37″ long, and 43″ tall. If you fold it up with the wheels still attached, the width shrinks to 28″, the length to 29″, and the height to 18.” If you remove the wheels, the dimensions shrink again to 27″ width by 26″ length by 16″ in height. In other words, it gets pretty small, which is pretty impressive for such a beefy and substantial double stroller.

Using the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin with Children

Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

Unfortunately not; you can only use one infant seat at a time with the Tri Mode EX Twin. However, you can use adapters to fit a range of common infant seats, including Peg Perego Primo Viaggio infant seats, Britax Chaperone and B-Ready infant seats, the Maxi Cosi Mico, the Chicco KeyFit 30, and the Graco Classic Fit seat. You can also fit a pair of bassinets at a time if you’d like to, which makes this a particularly infant-friendly double stroller.

What are the recommended height, weight, and age limits for children you can fit in the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

The Tri Mode EX Twin is designed for kids between zero and age 4, although depending on the children in question, you may be able to squeeze more time out of the stroller seats. The weight limits for each individual child are 45 pounds, while the combined weight limit is 90 pounds. Each seat is 11″ wide, 9″ deep, and 20″ high, while the footrest drop is 14″. This suggests a child will be able to fit into the seat until the preschool years and a height of at least 44.” Our four year old didn’t have any trouble sitting in the seat, and she’s a pretty picky one.

Seating in the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin

What are the seats, sun canopies, and seat support like in the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

810zxyOEZeL._SL1500_The seats are quite comfortable in the Tri Mode EX Twin, at least when judged by the sleep test. Valco Baby used the word plush, and I don’t think my kids would argue with that. Each seat comes with a good amount of padding as well as 5-point harnesses, which are also padded. There are also head-huggers, which are designed to keep infant heads safe when using the seats with the youngest of travelers.

810zxyOEZeL._SL1500_The canopies are large, rounded, and independently adjustable. The arc in the canopies means kids get a generous amount of head room, and the EX in the Tri Mode EX Twin refers to the extended hoods, which means sun glare is really hard to come by when you’ve got the canopies fully extended.

Can you recline the seats in the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

Yes! You can recline the seats in the Tri Mode EX Twin with a single hand, and you can move from a flat recline to a fully upright seating position.

Moving and Using the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin

81DWg4otoFL._SL1500_What is it like to push the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin, and is the handlebar adjustable?

It’s a dream to push the Tri Mode EX Twin, to be honest. Valco Baby describes it as an all terrain and light jogging stroller, and that’s pretty spot on. Whether we took it on walks around town, through the mall, or did some light jogging on trails in the nearby state park, it kept on moving without skipping a beat.

Pushing it is easy, and while the stroller isn’t meant to be used as a full on jogger, it’s easily comfortable on- or off-road thanks to the giganto-wheels it comes with.Because it’s so narrow, you start to develop a feeling of invincibility when pushing the Tri Mode EX Twin. Yes, you know deep down that you shouldn’t feel that way, but it’s hard not to when you look at pretty much any door in front of you and think, “yeah…it’ll fit.”

Terrain wise, we somehow managed to push it through dirt, sand, gravel, sidewalks, grass, and even a bit of snow, and those giant wheels kept on moving. I’d normally hesitate to describe any stroller with a pair of front wheels as jogging-capable, but I wouldn’t be afraid to run for a while with the Valco Baby.

You can adjust the wheel position with a dial three ways: the first is a fixed position that allows for the light jogging described earlier. The second is at a 45 degree angle, which is suggested for toddler seating, and the final option is the full swivel typical in double strollers to allow for maximum mobility.The handlebar on the Tri Mode EX Twin is also adjustable, which makes it easy for couples with significantly varying heights to find inner peace when taking turns pushing their little ones.

What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX?

81DWg4otoFL._SL1500_The tires are among my favorite part of the Tri Mode EX Twin; they’re 12 inches in diameter and filled with air. According to Valcro, they provide a natural suspension for a smooth ride, and I find it hard to argue with them on that point. I was skeptical since there wasn’t a dedicated suspension system included, but I don’t think the Valco Baby needs one.

Something else I love about the Tri Mode EX Twin is that it comes with its own tire pump. Yes, you could buy one on your own, but it’s lovely to have a company think of this ahead of time and just include one for you. Furthermore, each of the wheels is on a quick release, which makes it easy to remove them without any tools.

How easy is it to pack up, assemble, or disassemble the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX? 

Twin_Tri-mode_Folded__copyThe assembly procedure doesn’t take much time, and it’s also a rather simple affair to pack up the Tri Mode EX Twin when you’re ready to haul it in a car, SUV, or minivan. The fact that I don’t have much to say about this part shows how little time it took; I hardly remember putting it together.

Cargo and Storage in the the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin

What are the storage and weight limits of the Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX‘s compartments?

The storage limits are another show-stopping element of the Tri Mode EX Twin. You’ve got storage pockets behind the canopies that are fully removable, so you can even use them as shopping bags. You also get the standard basket underneath the stroller and side storage compartments.

According to Valco Baby, you can store up to 90 pounds of cargo in the Tri Mode EX Twin. We didn’t get out the scale to measure it, but we definitely stored more things in there than we’ve managed to get into any stroller, including the Joovy X2 Double, which has a gigantic basket. We were quite impressed. I was also impressed to find that a raincover, an accessory that pretty much every stroller company makes you buy separately, is included as standard equipment with the Tri Mode EX Twin.

Buy the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin on Sale at Amazon.


Concluding thoughts on the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin

Is the 
Valco Baby Twin Tri Mode EX worth it?

In a word, yes. It’s one of the most expensive side by side double strollers I’ve come across, but when I look at the engineering and functionality of it, the price tends to justify itself in my mind. It’s a serious stroller that gets out of your way and lets you get on with your life and take care of your kids. And that’s exactly what a stroller is supposed to do.

Are there cheaper options out there? Certainly. The BOB is popular, and for good reason, and the Summit X3 Double is also frequently chosen among families looking for quality side by side double jogging strollers. But the Tri Mode EX Twin is easily worth a second or third look, and is quite possibly one of the best double all terrain strollers on the market right now.

You can buy the Valco Baby Tri Mode EX Twin Stroller here in Hot Chocolate, here in Raven, and here in Raisin Waffle. The Special Edition is also available, and adds additional UV protection in the canopy.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double Jogging Stroller Review

The Baby Jogger Summit X3 double jogging stroller is one of our favorite strollers, simply because of how good of a job it does carting our kids about in a relaxed way without fuss or drama. It’s the kind of stroller that does its job so well that you almost forget it’s there, which leaves you with much more time to deal with whatever new emergency has arisen among your kids. In other words, it’s a jogging stroller that wants to be a leisure stroller. And that’s not a bad thing at all.

As a result, it’s high time I put a review together, especially given how we still use it nearly every day for transporting our little ones. Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double stroller on the Internet.

Weight and Dimensions of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

How much does the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double weigh?

The Summit X3 double weighs 36.2 pounds according to my digital scale. This is relatively similar to most of its competitors, including the BOB Revolution SE Duallie, although the SE Duallie is slightly lighter.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Baby Jogger Summit X3 double through?

The Summit X3 double is 32″ wide, which means you’ll need doors at least that wide to fit. Fortunately, a great many doors are slightly wider than 32″ these days, which means it still shouldn’t be a significant problem fitting the stroller through most doors.

What are the length, width, and height of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The unfolded dimensions are 50.75″ long, 32″ wide, and 40″ tall. The folded dimensions retain the same width, but are only 33.75″ long and 15.5″ tall.

Where can I find the user manual for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

You can download the full manual for the Summit X3 double here. It’s a PDF available in three languages–English, French, and Spanish.

Using the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double with Children

Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Yes, as long as you’re willing to use the Compact Pram sold by Baby Jogger. It is a small bassinet that is designed to accommodate babies from birth until 6 months, and includes its own canopy. The best thing about it is that it allows you to lie an infant completely flat. It has a maximum weight of 25 lbs.

What’s the tallest child you can fit in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The height limits are going to vary from one child to the next, but I’d say you should be good at least until 45″ of height with the Summit X3 double. The official manual states a recommended maximum height of 44″ per seat.

What’s the recommended age range for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The recommended age is from birth to 5 years of age. Baby Jogger recommends not running or jogging with children who are younger than 6 months if they are in the stroller or if a car seat is used with the adapter.

How much can children weigh while using the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The maximum carrying weight for the Summit X3 double is 100 pounds across both children. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be split between children, so each child should not weigh more than 50 pounds. We’ve broken that rule several times and the stroller has never protested, but it’s something to be aware of.

Is a child tray included with the BabyJogger Summit X3 double?

Unfortunately, a child tray is not included with the Summit X3 double by default; you’ll have to buy one as an aftermarket accessory.

Seating in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

What are the seats made of in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The seats are made of a soft cloth fabric that’s gentle on the skin and easy to clean.

What is seat support like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Seat support is good and the seats themselves are comfortable; our kids like them, and they’ll be the first to admit that they’re a picky bunch, especially our older kids. The seats are also deep and securely restrain children.

Can you recline the seats in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Yes, you can recline the seats, but you cannot recline them all the way back; it’s a 3/4 recline, which is similar to other double strollers in its class. Because the recline is so good, you can get a close to flat angle, which is best for a younger baby.

If you want to completely recline an infant (as in, flat) with the Summit X3 double, you’ll need to buy their Compact Pram.

Something to keep in mind about the stroller is that it is rather top-heavy, which means that if you have a pair of children reclined as far as possible in their seats, the stroller is more likely to tip backwards than you would expect. It is a good idea to either not fully recline the seats when multiple kids are sitting inside or simply remember to brace the stroller against something if you aren’t holding on to the handlebar.

What is leg room like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The leg room is on the shorter end in the Summit X3 double compared to several of its competitors, but it’s still enough to provide support for younger children. The advantage of the shorter length is that the stroller then becomes easier to maneuver and navigate through tight spaces than a number of its competitors, including the BOB SE Duallie. However, if you’ve got very tall children, this might be a reason to consider the BOB jogging stroller instead.

What are the sun canopies like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The canopies on the Summit X3 double are quite large, and I like how they operate relatively independently of each other. Each comes with a sunroof, or a peek-a-boo window, depending on your preferred terminology, that can be opened or closed independently, and each includes an air vent on the outboard side. The vents provide a decent amount of circulation when the weather gets hot and sticky, although when it’s really hot, you’ll still want to pull the canopies back entirely to allow the most air to flow through.

There are multiple positions for each canopy so you can figure out exactly how much coverage you want to get out of each one. Oh, and the canopies are UV 50+, which is nice for protection from solar radiation. It doesn’t completely eliminate the need for sunscreen when using a stroller, since there are parts of the body that a canopy simply won’t cover, but it’s a great start.

What is the rain canopy for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double like?

The rain canopy is one of our favorite accessories for the Summit X3 double, along with the parent console. It keeps our kids dry no matter what the weather is doing, and we’ve used it on days when sudden showers came out of nowhere, and even though we were completely soaked, our kids were kept completely dry. They actually found it quite enjoyable to watch us get wet!

Pushing and Moving the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

x32-300x300What is it like to push the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

It’s a smooth, smooth experience, which is part of why we prefer this stroller to almost any other. We’ve tried it on all kinds of surfaces, from dirt trails to asphalt to cement to gravel to grass, and it’s performed admirably on all of them. It has a more relaxed feel than most comparable strollers, including the SE Duallie, which might make it feel a bit sleep-inducing if you’re looking for a fast stroller. However, if you’re looking for comfort, it definitely has the edge.

Is the handlebar on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double adjustable?

Unfortunately, the handlebar is not adjustable. The height of the bar will work for many people, but you might want to keep this in mind as a consideration if you’re under 5′ or over 6’3″ tall. Baby Jogger’s non-jogging double stroller, the City Mini GT double, does have an adjustable handlebar, so hopefully that’ll make it over to the Summit X3 double soon.

How is the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double’s suspension?

It’s great. You get what Baby Jogger calls all wheel suspension, which simply means that each wheel has its own independent suspension system to make the ride easier on passengers and on parents doing the pushing.

What are the brakes like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

I’m a big fan of how Baby Jogger set up the brakes; rear drum brakes are included and they can be controlled remotely through a brake bar on the main handlebar for the stroller, just the way you would with a bicycle’s brakes. The hand brake definitely comes in handy when you’re jogging down hills and don’t want the stroller to get away from you. It makes it much easier to keep a consistent running pace.

What are the wheels and tires like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The wheels are pneumatic and air-filled, and they’re sufficiently large to help you get over most obstacles you’re likely to find on streets, sidewalks, and light trails. The front wheel locks for extra stability when jogging. Of course, that means that when you’re jogging around a corner, you’ll need to push down on the handlebar to lift the front wheel to navigate a turn. We’ve never found this to be a big deal, and it’s a common feature to every stroller when the front wheel is locked.

Something I like here about the Summit X3 double that’s not present in almost any other stroller is a handlebar remote lock, which lets you switch between a locked and swiveling front wheel simply by flipping a switch. It’s a lot more convenient than having to bend down and adjust the setting directly at the wheel.

Are the wheels on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double removable?

Yes! Baby Jogger even encourages you to remove them when packing up the stroller if you happen to need more space, although with the degree to which you can fold up the stroller, you’re unlikely to ever need to. However, if you do, you can take off and replace the wheels in a few seconds, and you don’t need tools to do so, which is great.

How do I fix a flat tire on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The tires are essentially bike tires, although they’re smaller. Inner tubes are included, and if you have a complete flat, you simply swap out the inner tube. Alternatively, if you’re just low on air, you can add more with a simple bike pump or a portable air compressor.

Storing and Transporting the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double  

How do you pack up the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Folding the stroller is very easy; you simply lift the straps and the Summit X3 double practically collapses into itself, and does so into a size that’s quite modest (see above under dimensions). It takes very little thought, which I like when I’ve got a thousand other things on my mind.

How do you open up the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Opening the Summit X3 double is just like closing it, except in the opposite direction: very easy.

How do you assemble the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

The assembly is ridiculously easy for the Summit X3 double; I didn’t have to do anything more than attach the canopies and the wheels. I’m also happy to report that you won’t need a single tool to get the job done. To be honest, getting rid of the box (through recycling, of course), is a bigger pain than assembling the stroller.

Cargo and Storage of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

What’s storage like for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double? 

There’s a good amount of storage beneath the stroller. It looks small, but it isn’t. I’m not a fan of how challenging it is to get to the storage area from behind the stroller, but I do appreciate how easy it is to access the storage from either the left or right side. Similarly, I’m also a fan of the behind-the-seat storage.

What are the weight limits of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double storage compartments?

The basket has a 10 pound weight limit while the seat back pockets have 2 pound weight limits each.

Is a parent console available for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

Unfortunately not; you’ll have to buy one on your own. We debated over it for a little while and then gave in and got the universal console. It works just the way it should, and is handy for storing drinks, keys, and tissues.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

How do you clean the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

To clean it, you simply use a wet cloth and water and have at it. You’ll want to leave it to air dry to keep the fabric in best shape.

What is the warranty coverage like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?

There is a lifetime warranty on the frame and a one year warranty for additional materials aside from the tubes and tires. You’ll need a proof of purchase for a warranty claim and you can’t transfer the warranty across purchasers, which is why it’s a good idea to buy it new. The warranty doesn’t cover typical wear and tear, rust, poor assembly, neglect or damage, or improper storage and care.

Concluding thoughts on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double

Is the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double worth it?

In our opinion: yes! It’s a great stroller that we never hesitate to bring with us when we’re going on the road. It’s a great alternative to BOB double strollers and compares favorably with them. Our favorite features are the hand brake and the handlebar switch for adjusting the wheel lock. Overall, the stroller does just about everything we could ask it to, and after a couple of years, it’s still going strong. You can buy the Baby Jogger Summit X3 in black and green here.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller Review: Bassinet Included!

indie4-11-300x199Bumbleride makes what I consider to be the best double stroller and best single stroller on the market right now, the Indie Twin and Indie strollers. If you’re in the market for a double or single stroller, those are my absolute favorites. However, they’re clearly not interested in sitting still as a company, and recently released the Indie 4. The stroller caters to parents who are interested in having 4 wheels instead of 3 due to the additional stability they can obtain from the 4th wheel. The “4” in the name refers to the wheels, of course.

In my experience, these parents are right in that 4-wheel strollers do offer more stability than 3-wheel strollers, and they also offer the advantage of working more easily in tight spaces. However, they frequently have the drawback of higher weight and more space requirements when being stored in trunks. As  a result, parents often have to decide whether they value the lighter weight, smaller space, and greater off-roading capabilities of 3-wheel strollers or are more interested in the stability and maneuverability of 4-wheel strollers. This review is designed to answer every question you might possibly have about the Indie 4 single stroller.

Quick Review of the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

indie4-1-283x300The Bumbleride Indie 4 stroller is a single all-terrain stroller, much like the Indie, with the ability to help you run errands, shop at the mall, walk through trails, or enjoy a day at the beach or at the park. Like the Indie stroller, it comes with all-terrain wheels that are air-filled and sturdy. However, unlike the Indie, it has a matching bassinet included that allows it to be used with a newborn straight from the hospital. The Indie 4 is clearly designed to compete with the UPPABaby Vista, which UPPABaby markets as an all-terrain stroller with air-filled tires and its own matching bassinet. Keep in mind that you can turn it into a travel system through the universal car seat adapter that comes with the Indie 4. If you’re interested in car seat reviews for seats compatible with the Indie 4 or any of the strollers I review, you’ll want to check out the recommended car seats page.

It made me happy when I realized that a number of the features already present in the Indie were also in the Indie 4, including the giant oversized canopy, the large and deep recline, the adjustable handle bar and leg rest, the padded 5-point harness, the easy fold system, and the storage pockets and under carriage basket. The Indie 4 comes with a generous recline and is designed to hold children from birth to 55 pounds in weight. The stroller itself weighs 22 pounds, or to put it another way, is 2 pounds heavier than the Indie stroller. The primary reason for this additional weight is the additional wheel.

I’d rate the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller at 5 out of 5 stars due to the range of functional and stylish features that parents will appreciate. Personally, I’m a big fan of the air-filled all-terrain tires, the great canopy, generous recline, and all-wheel suspension. I’d personally like it if Bumbleride included and automatic braking system, but besides that, I can’t complain. The cheapest price I’ve found so far for the Bumbleride Indie 4 is at Amazon, where you can get it without sales tax, without shipping costs, and with free returns. From Amazon, you’ll also get it with a bumper bar, bassinet, cup holder, and car seat adapter that’s designed to work with just about any car seat on the market today.

Buy the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

Pros of the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

indie4-2-e1418252336846-300x220Generous large canopy. The canopy on the Indie 4 is among my absolute favorites in a single stroller. It’s very large and can extend all the way down until it reaches the bumper bar, which allows you to completely shield your child from the sun, wind, or rain. Something else I like about the canopy is that it can be unzipped from the back of the seat, which means you can get more circulation when the weather is warm. You get a generously-sized peekaboo window at the top of the canopy that’s made from mesh and includes a magnetic closure, which allows you to open and close it silently without waking a sleeping baby, unlike with traditional Velcro closures. I love it!

indie4-4-e1418252369130-300x289Adjustable handle bar. I’m also a fan of the handle bar, which you can adjust from 25″ to 43″ above the ground, depending on your height. As my husband and I have significantly different heights, having a handle bar that can fit both of us is a pro. It’s covered in a soft foam and you get a center grip for added maneuverability.

Safety runaway strap. I’m always a fan of safety features, and definitely like the handle bar attached runaway strap. It makes it a lot easier to keep the stroller with you when going down a steep hill, and it’s a good backup in case something momentarily takes your attention away from the stroller.

indie4-2-e1418261232389-300x277Good-sized seat. The Bumbleride Indie 4 seat is 12″ wide and 24″ high as measured from the bottom of the seat to the peak of the canopy. The recline in the seat is deep, which means that it’s going to be suitable for a newborn, which is handy if you’re not in the mood for transporting the bassinet with you wherever you’re going. I’m a fan of the recline, as you can recline it with only one hand. However, you’ll need both of your hands to return it to the upright position. The recline is strap-operated. Hopefully a one-handed lever recline can make this simpler in the future.

When you move the seat to its most vertical position, it’s quite upright. Comfort-wise, the seat is also good. The fabric is designed to be ecologically-friendly with sustainability in mind; it’s made out of 50% bamboo and 50% from recycled PET. You can remove the seat and wash it in a washing machine. The lower age limit is birth; there isn’t an upper age limit, but there is a weight limit of 55 pounds. For some reason, this is 10 pounds higher than the 45 pound weight limit of the Indie–perhaps due to the additional wheel reducing the weight per wheel compared to the Indie, which only has 3 wheels.

indie4-8-e1418261281296-300x143Bassinet-like space. You can attach a pair of fabric swatches beneath the leg rests to the seat sides once you’ve lifted up the leg rest, allowing you to make a bassinet-like space to keep your baby nice and cozy. It’s a unique feature that I’ve only seen on the Bumbleride strollers so far, and I’m a fan of it. If nothing else, it helps keep younger babies warmer when the weather turns cold.

Storage space. There is a storage pocket behind the canopy that you can use for small items such as a wallet, a pair of sun glasses, or your keys. I use mine to keep an emergency credit card.

Padded 5-point harness. The Bumbleride Indie 4 comes with a 5-point harness that’s adjustable and padded. It also has breakaway shoulder straps, which are an additional safety feature. Although some folks don’t bother with the harness, I find it a good idea for safety, especially when using the stroller on uneven surfaces such as when at the park or on trails.

Included adjustable bumper bar. I’m definitely a fan of the included bumper bar. You can quickly remove it as needed to clean it easily. The bumper bar is made from the same ecologically friendly fabric as that used in the seat, and you can remove it simply by unzipping the fabric.

Adjustable leg rest. You can move the leg rest from a low position to a nearly vertical position. As with the bumper bar, the fabric used to make the foot rest is designed to be cleaned easily.

Removable cup holder. Most strollers these days make you pay extra for the cup holder, but it comes with the Indie 4, which is a small but nice touch. You can put it on the left or right sides of the frame, and it fits normal-sized cups and water bottles.

Large lower basket. There is a generously-sized basket beneath the stroller that makes it a fun one to shop with. I’d say it’s actually a bit larger than the basket in the regular Indie, which is an advantage if you’re interested in hauling a lot of cargo, such as diaper bags, groceries, or clothes from a long mall shopping trip. You can easily reach it from behind the stroller but will have a tougher time reaching it from the sides.

indie4-5-287x300Great wheels. There are 4 air-filled tires with the Indie 4 (hence the 4 in the name). The two front tires are 8.5″ in diameter while the two rear tires are 12″ in diameter. The front wheels naturally swivel but may be locked for additional stability, such as when you’re off-roading it. Getting a tire pump is a good idea since you do have the potential to get flats now and then. The good news is that you can use the stroller on pretty much any terrain without fear–snow, gravel, rocks, grass, sand, mud, dirt–it’s very stable on four wheels and highly maneuverable.

Buy the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

All wheel suspension. I’m pretty sure the all wheel suspension is part of why the ride on the Indie 4 is such a smooth one. I like that they didn’t just limit it to the rear wheels, as is often the case with all terrain or jogging strollers.

Foot-activated parking brake. The foot brake is a standard feature in most high end strollers these days, and it works well in the Indie 4.

indie4-7-300x212Easy fold system. You can easily fold the Indie 4 as long as you’ve got a minute and a pair of hands. You have an automatic lock for the stroller but it requires you to get the wheels and cup holder positioned just right, so it’s more of a semi-automatic. You can fold it standing, which is great, since that’s next to impossible with most single strollers on the market. When folded, it’s 29″ long, 24.5″ wide, and 15″ tall.

Included universal car seat adapter. I’m a fan of the included car seat adapter; it helps you turn the Indie 4 into a highly capable travel system; you can then use the included adapter with seats like the Primo Viaggio 4-35 and Chicco KeyFit 30. You can also use other adapters to gain compatibility with a number of other infant seats.

indie4-5Included bassinet. 
The inclusion of the bassinet sets the Indie 4 stroller apart from nearly every single other stroller on the market. It’s an amazing decision and an amazing bit of baby gear. You sit it on the seat and it looks good there, although it’s not quite as neat as that in the Vista, since you can remove the Vista’s seat to place the bassinet there instead. The bassinet is also collapsible, which increases travel space. The bassinet itself is 31.75″ long, 10.5″ high, and 15″ wide, while the dimensions when folded are 31.75″ long, 6″ high, and 15″ wide. The bassinet is rather light at 4 pounds and can hold children up to 19 pounds in weight.

Cons of the Bumbleride Indie Stroller

No automatic braking system. This is a con that comes up with nearly every stroller on the market today besides the Navigator and Classic strollers. An automatic braking system would help the stroller automatically come to a stop if you were no longer in contact with it, which is a lifesaving feature if you ever slip while your stroller begins to roll away from you toward traffic. Hopefully this feature is added to all Bumbleride strollers in the near future.

Comparing the Bumbleride Indie with the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

Weight:                                  20 pounds for the Indie vs 22 pounds for the Indie 4.
Weight limit:                      45 pounds vs 55 pounds.
Seat to canopy height:  23″ vs 24.”
Wheel design:                    3 12″ vs 2 8.5″ and 2 12.”
Peekaboo closure:          
Velcro vs. Magnetic.
None vs. Included.
Suspension type:             
Rear-wheel vs. All-wheel.
Standing fold:                    
No vs. Yes.
Automatic lock:               
No vs. Yes.

Specifications of the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

The Indie 4 stroller weighs 22 pounds and has a 55 pound weight limit. Its folded dimensions are 29″ in length, 24.5″ in width, and 15″ in height. The handle bar can span 25″ to 43″ above the ground, while the seat height is 14.” The front tires are 12″ in diameter while the rear tires span 8.5.” The overall length is 31″ while the overall width is 24.4.”

Warranty on the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

There is a 3-year-warranty from Bumbleride when you buy your Indie 4. The clock starts ticking on the date of purchase. You can read more information about the warranty here.

Where to buy the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller

I prefer buying my strollers and similar baby items from Amazon, since they often have the lowest prices, free returns and shipping, and don’t charge sales tax. I completely recommend the Bumbleride Indie 4 Stroller. You can buy it here in Aquamarine, Jet Black, Cayenne Red, Fog Grey, Green Papyrus, and Lotus Pink.

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