Tag Archives: stroller

2018 Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller Review

Joovy X2 Scooter review on The Car Crash Detective.
The X2 is probably the best side by side strollers under $200 on the market today.

The Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller has been around for a few years and has developed a reputation in the double stroller community as an affordable entry stroller to the world of high quality side by side double strollers. However, it’s always worth seeing how it stacks up to competition around its price point, below, and above. We’ve used the X2 several times over the years and I felt it deserved a closer look.

Joovy designed the Scooter X2 as a complement to their highly popular Scooter single stroller. They market it with a number of features, including a one hand folding setup, double size canopy, and the ability to fit through normal doors. Does it live up to the hype? I think it does. Here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller on the Internet. You can buy the Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller here.

Weight and Dimensions of the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

How much does the X2 Double weigh?

The X2 Double weighs a delightfully svelte 28 pounds according to my precision scale, which means it’s one of the lightest side by side high capacity double strollers currently on the market. It weighs less than a number of similar double walking strollers you’re likely to compare it with, including the City Mini GT and the B-Agile Double.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a X2 Double through?

You can fit an X2 Double through a door 30″ wide, which means that you’ll be able to fit through most standard-sized doors without much trouble. This means you’ll be able to get it through the front door of pretty much any house, as well as the main doors of most shopping facilities in outdoor stores and malls. However, extremely narrow doors such as those leading to bathrooms inside homes may present a challenge.

What are the length, width, and height of the X2 Double ?

The assembled dimensions of the X2 Double are 30″ in width, 32″ in length, and 40″ in height. It’s a cubish-looking stroller, and this works well for its stability. When folded, it’s 30″ wide, 37″ long, and 17″ tall.

Where can I find the user manual for the X2 Double ?

I haven’t had luck finding an online product manual for the X2 Double, but there’s a brochure available here.

Using the Joovy Scooter X2 Double with Children

Can you use two infant seat adapters with the X2 Double?

joo5-300x200No, you can’t fit a pair of infant seat adapters into the X2 Double. You can’t actually put any infant seats in the X2 Double; those are the kinds of features you pay extra for. In particular, to get two infant seats, you’ll need a double walking stroller like the Mountain Buggy Duet.

What’s the tallest child you can fit in the X2 Double?

You can fit a 44″ tall child in an X2 Double, which is rather typical for high end side by side strollers. The maximum usable height will vary from one child to the next, simply because some kids are longer in the torso while others are longer in the legs.

joo2-199x300What’s the recommended age range for the X2 Double?

Joovy says you can use the X2 Double with children 3 months old and up. They don’t provide an upper age range, but you can expect to reach at least age 4 with a side by side double walking stroller in this class. Of course, you might luck out and find yourself fitting 5 or even 6 year old children in it, but it will depend on your child’s dimensions. Skinny, short, or light children will naturally fit for longer than wide, tall, or heavy children.

How much can children weigh while using the X2 Double?

Speaking of weight, the maximum individual weight limit in the X2 Double is 45 pounds per seat, or 90 pounds of combined weight. This is slightly less than competing high end side by side double walking strollers like the City Mini GT or the B-Agile, but it’s also higher than the maximum weight limit you’ll get out of the Mountain Buggy Duet, which is an absolutely great stroller.

Buy the Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon here.

Seating in the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

What are the seats and seat support like in the X2 Double?

The seats in the X2 Double are independently adjustable and are decently comfortable for children. They pass the sleep test, which is the standard way we measure the comfort of a stroller’s seats. If your daughter can stay asleep for hours of walking through the zoo underneath a hot sun, you know you’ve got a good stroller. Or daughter. Maybe both.

A five point harness is included in the seats, and the harness is also reflective, which helps with visibility. The fabric itself is 600 D, which is described by Joovy as “super durable.” It doesn’t tend to fade much with time, so I’d agree with it from that perspective.

Something else that’s nice about the seats in the X2 Double is that there’s a divider between the two seats, which makes it easier to keep a pair of little ones from poking, pulling, or punching each other.

joo4-300x200Can you recline the seats in the X2 Double?

Yes, you can recline the seats in the X2 Double. You don’t get a full recline, but you can get up to a 149 degree recline. For reference, 180 degrees would be a completely flat position, so this is quite close. The seats recline independently and the system for reclining each seat can be operated by one hand, and you have what Joovy describes as an infinite number of positions in which you can set the recline. Is it really infinite? Not really, but for practical purposes it does the job well.

What are the sun canopies like in the X2 Double?

If there’s one thing I like about Joovy, it’s the fact that they don’t skimp on the fabric used for their canopies. The canopy is huge and is capable of shielding all but the sunniest of summer days. There is an included sun visor that’s retractable and also helps keep your kids out of the elements, even though they’re fully immersed in the outdoors. I honestly haven’t come across a larger canopy yet.

Pushing and Moving the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

What is it like to push the X2 Double? 

It’s a good experience pushing the X2 Double. It’s not the smoothest double walking stroller out there, but it does a good job. The City Mini GT is noticeably easier to steer, but that stroller also steers better than strollers that cost significantly more, such as the Mountain Buggy Duet. A fairer comparison would be to the B-Agile Double.

The X2 Double is happy in most environments; it’s easy to push it through most locations in a mall and you’ll get through most doorways without too much trouble. It doesn’t complain about sidewalks and it’s also decent on grass when walking through a park. The steering is also naturally far more stable than that found in front-back strollers.

The X2 Double, in fact, is one of the most stable double strollers I’ve ever used. As noted earlier, I think the squarish shape of it is a big part of why this is the case. Kids can climb in and out of it without risk of falling, even though you’re always supposed to monitor them when they’re doing so.

Is the handlebar on the X2 Double adjustable?

The handlebar is not adjustable, but the height level makes it easy for people in a range of heights to push it without problems. A couple we know are 6″ and 5’2″ and neither has any problems pushing, and I’ve got another friend who’s 6’2″ who also uses an X2 Double on a  daily basis.

What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on the X2 Double?

The tires on the X2 Double are decent; they’re the typical plastic tires you find at this price range. If you want air-filled tires in a double walking stroller, you’ll need something like a Mountain Buggy Duet or City Mini GT. However, this also means that you don’t need to worry about fixing a flat tire on the X2 Double. You also get a pair of back brakes on the rear wheels that adds to safety and stability for the stroller. There is no suspension on the X2 Double, but the ride isn’t significantly bumpy without it.

Storing and Transporting the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

joo6-300x200How easy is it to pack up the X2 Double? 

The folding procedure is a bit tricky; you’ll probably want to practice a few times, and Joovy’s claim of it being something you can do simply with one hand is not their most accurate. However, it’s definitely doable, and you just need to take your time and it’ll get faster over time. The assembly of the stroller the first time is a 5 minute job, which is something new parents will appreciate.

Cargo and Storage of the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

joo7-300x200What are the storage and weight limits of the X2 Double compartments?

The storage compartment, or basket, as known by Joovy, is huge. They described it as huge and they weren’t lying; you can fit a number of things in there at the same time, such as a large diaper bag, store bags from shopping at the mall, and even a few baby dolls. It’s seriously the largest basket I’ve ever seen, and that includes the BOB SE Duallie baskets for comparison. It’s huge.

Parents also get a pair of cup holders and pouches behind the kids’ seats, which is a nice bonus.

Buy the Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller on Sale at Amazon here.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Joovy Scooter X2 Double


How do you clean the X2 Double?

Cleaning the X2 Double is rather similar to the process for cleaning most other double strollers; you just wet down a cloth and use it gently all over the fabric, and then dry it when you’re through.

Concluding thoughts on the Joovy Scooter X2 Double

Is the X2 Double worth it?

In my opinion, the Joovy X2 Double Stroller is absolutely worth it. It serves as an excellent introduction to high-quality double walking strollers without approaching the higher prices of models by BOB, Baby Jogger, and Mountain Buggy. Does it come with every feature under the sun? Not at all. However, when it comes to the canopy and basket functionality, it meets and exceeds quality levels in strollers costing two or three times as much while still coming close in a number of other areas.

You can buy the Joovy Scooter X2 Double Stroller here in Black, Greenie, or Orangie. If you’d like to buy it in Blueberry, you can do so here.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

BOB Revolution Pro Stroller Review: Worth It!

revpro1-300x284BOB has been busy lately releasing strollers, and quite frankly, they’ve been great ones. Two of the most recent single stroller models released by BOB include the Revolution Flex jogging stroller, which I recently had the pleasure of reviewing, and the Revolution Pro, which I’m going to talk about today. As with the Revolution Flex, the Pro is simply another upgrade to the Revolution SE that inspired both variations.

Because the changes are so slight, I do wonder why BOB decided to mark them as new models, as now they have several different versions of the Revolution. At any rate, let’s take a look at the details of the Revolution Pro together; I’d like to make this the most detailed review of the Revolution Pro on the Internet.

Quick Review of the BOB Revolution Pro Single Stroller

revpro2-300x284Just as with the Revolution Flex, one of the main differences between the SE and the Revolution Pro is that the Pro now comes with an adjustable handlebar that can be set to 9 positions. There are also a number of different colors present with the Revolution Pro, and the Revolution Pro, unlike the Revolution Flex, comes with a hand brake on the handlebar that connects to the rear wheels.

The Revolution Pro also resembles the Revolution SE in that there is a large, oversized canopy, a 5-point adjustable no-rethread harness, a large basket and comfortable seat, and wonderfully large air-filled wheels. Besides the basket beneath the seat, there are also a pair of mesh pockets within the seat that your child can use to store toys and foods. It’s also handy for parents who need to store essential kid things. You can use the Revolution Pro with infants at least 8 weeks old and the upper weight limit is 70 pounds. If you’re interested in using the seat with a newborn, you can do so and make the Revolution Pro a travel system with the use of a car seat adapter. Mike has written a number of great reviews of infant seats compatible with the BOB Revolution line.

All of the features above are pretty great, but as a mom, what I love most about the BOB Revolution Pro are its wheels. This is a quality jogging stroller with generously large, air-filled tires, and a suspension system that’s easily adjustable to provide a comfortable and smooth ride. I’ve tried a number of strollers, and the BOB suspension systems are nearly unequaled. You can swivel the front wheel for maneuverability or lock it for jogging stability. You can fold it easily and compact it well for a jogger.

The Revolution Pro weighs around 28.2 pounds, or 3 pounds more than the weight of its SE twin, which weighs 25.2 pounds. These are typical weights for single seater jogger strollers. The adjustable handlebar and hand brake contribute to some of the additional weight. The Flex weighs 26.2 pounds.

If you’re having trouble deciding between the Revolution Pro and the Revolution Flex, here are my thoughts in a nutshell. The Pro model is likely a better choice if you’re planning on using your BOB to jog on varied terrain, especially around lots of hills. This way, you’ll be able to stop or slow down in much less time thanks to your attached hand brake. On the other hand, if you’re going to jog on even surfaces, such as in a park, then the Flex might be better since you won’t have a hand brake to bump into on the handlebar. Keep in mind that there are more color and frame options available with the Flex than with the Pro; the Pro only has a silver frame, although I personally think it looks as good as the black frame option available in the Flex.

I give the BOB Revolution Pro 5 out of 5 stars, just as I did with the Flex, simply because it’s part of the Revolution family, which are the best jogging strollers money can buy today. The only significant changes I would make would be to add an automatic lock to the stroller and perhaps to switch the double strap recline to a single strap or single lever recline. Besides that, I have no complaints; it’s a great stroller. It’s also available in a dual version.

You can buy the BOB Revolution Pro for free shipping, with free returns, and without sales tax directly from Amazon here.

Buy the BOB Revolution Pro Stroller on Sale at Amazon.

Pros of the BOB Revolution Flex

revpro3smallExpanded canopy. The canopy for the Revolution Pro is large and can be adjusted in multiple positions, which makes it a great choice for keeping little ones shaded from the sun. Above the canopy is a viewing window, or peekaboo, that allows you to see your child without needing to retract the canopy. It’s made of plastic and works well. I only wish the closure system were quieter; the Velcro can get a bit noisy when opening and shutting it.

Adjustable handlebar. The Revolution Pro, like the Flex, features a 9-way adjustable handlebar. You can use it from a lower range of 34″ to a high of 45″ above the ground. My husband and I always appreciate adjustable handlebars since we vary significantly by height.

Buy the Revolution Pro on Sale at Amazon here.Hand brake. A significant upgrade from the Revolution Pro is the handbrake included in the handlebar of the pro. It activates a set of drum brakes on the rear wheels, and believe me, it’s handy to have them when you’re on a run or a jog on a steep hill and need to come to a quick stop. The inclusion of the hand brake is the main reason why the Revolution Pro weighs around 2 pounds more than the Revolution Flex.

Runaway wrist strap. As a safety feature, both the Revolution Flex and the Revolution Pro include a runaway strap on the handlebar. A runaway strap is essentially a strap you clip around your wrist to keep your stroller attached to you while you’re on the go; this way it won’t get away from you during a run. You can also use it to lock your stroller once you have it folded.

revpro5smallComfortable and roomy seating. The Pro’s seat is designed for space and comfort, and can be used for a child who is at least 8 weeks old. However, you might want to wait for infants to reach at least 6 months unless you use an infant seat, or else they might not have enough support. There’s a lot of room in the seat; I’d say it’s around 23″ high, top to bottom, and 14.5″ in width.

The Revolution’s Pro seat has a good amount of recline–nearly flat, I’d say. Something I’m not a fan of, however, is the fact that there are a pair of straps you’ll need to adjust in order to recline the seat, which means you’ll need two hands to do so since the straps are on the opposite sides of the seat. Hopefully this will be changed to a single strap or lever in the future. Something I do like is the generous amount of padding that comes with the seat. The nylon fabric is designed to repel water and be cleaned easily with a damp cloth. It’s also designed to be durable and hold up for years of active use. We’ve had our BOB SE Duallie for a couple of years now, and I can verify that the fabric is indeed designed to last. The seat also comes with a 5 point harness that’s padded and adjustable, and you can release it with a nice big center buckle. I’m also a fan of the generous padding at the shoulder straps.

revpro6smallRoomy basket under the seat.  The basket beneath the Pro is large and easy to access. I can stuff a diaper bag and a number of toys there without issue.

Extra Storage. The Pro gives you a good amount of storage, including a mesh pocket behind the seat itself that’s useful for storing grown up things and a pair of mesh pockets within the seat that your little one can use for his or her things, such as extra spoons and sippy cups.

revpro7smallBig, air-filled wheels. The Pro doesn’t skimp when it comes to wheel size and quality, and these are among my favorite parts of the Pro. The tires are made of rubber, filled with air, and are large enough to handle just about any kind of terrain while helping give a smooth ride along the way. The wheels themselves are made of a thick and durable plastic. The front tire is 12.5″ in diameter while the rear tires are 16″ in diameter. Naturally, you can either keep the front wheel locked for speed when jogging or allow it to swivel for stability when walking.

Adjustable suspension. I’m also a fan of BOB’s patented suspension system that makes its way toward every Revolution they sell, including the Pro, which has a pair of settings you can adjust, depending on the terrain and how much your little traveler weighs.

Foot-activated parking brake. The brake is located at the center spot between your rear wheels; you simply step on it to get both of your rear wheels locked and safe. You’ll need a lot of force to move it, however, so you might not be able to activate it with flip flops.

Easy to fold. Finally, I like how easy to fold the Revolution Pro is. You need two hands, but it doesn’t take much time. I only wish there were an automatic locking system; you need to use the runaway strap to lock it. Similarly, you can’t fold it while standing, which means you need to put things down and sit with the stroller to get it folded up.

Cons of the BOB Revolution Pro 

No auto braking system, no auto lock. I wish the Pro came with an automatic braking system, as this is a huge safety feature that’s only available in a handful of strollers on the market right now, such as the Phil & Teds Navigator. Similarly, I’d also like to see an automatic locking setup so I wouldn’t need to use the runaway strap. Hopefully these features are modified with the next refresh of the Revolution.

Specifications of the BOB Revolution Pro

The Pro weights 28.2 pounds and has a 70 pound weight limit. Its folded dimensions are 16″ in height, 25.5″ in width, and 39″ in length. It’s 46″ long in swivel mode and 51.5″ long in jogging mode, while it ha a 25.5″ overall width. The handlebar ranges from 34″ to 45″ and has a seat height of 23.”

Warranty on the BOB Revolution Flex

You have access to a 5 year limited warranty with the BOB Revolution Pro for the frame and a 1 year warranty for the fabric and small parts in the stroller. Since BOB strollers tend to be highly reliable, you’re unlikely to need it, but it’s nice to know it’s there.

Where to buy the BOB Revolution Pro

I prefer buying my strollers and similar baby items from Amazon, since they often have the lowest prices, free returns and shipping, and don’t charge sales tax. I completely recommend the BOB Revolution Pro. You can buy it here in green, here in orange, and here in black.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Phil and Teds Navigator Buggy Stroller Review

navigatorPhil and Teds is the parent company of three brands: Phil and Teds, Mountain Buggy, and Mokopuna. The main brand line focuses on creating exciting alternatives to the traditional parent child care gear. Mountain Buggy makes awesome all terrain products, including strollers, and Mokopuna designs ecologically friendly clothing for newborns and older children. Mountain Buggy, of course, makes the Duet, one of our favorite all terrain strollers on the market right now. However, the parent company Phil and Teds makes a number of impressive strollers too, which is why we were happy to borrow the Navigator for a week when offered one by a friend.

Although we typically favor side by side double strollers, there’s something about a well-designed tandem or inline stroller that gets us every time. The Phil and Teds Navigator is an example of a well thought out, sleek, stylish, and functional tandem double stroller that should be on every parents’ list if they don’t want the width and weight of the typical high end side by side double stroller. Furthermore, the Navigator is an all terrain stroller, which makes it more interesting for us since our favorite strollers tend to be this sort.

Here is a thorough and detailed review of the Phil and Teds Navigator. If you want the short version, here it is: It’s great, and you can buy the Phil and Teds Navigator with the second seat here. If you want the longer version, keep reading.

Buy the Phil and Teds Navigator on Sale at Amazon here.

Weight and Dimensions of the Phil and Teds Navigator

How much does the  Phil and Teds Navigator weigh?

The Navigator weighs 27.5 pounds as a single stroller and 31 pounds as a double stroller, which easily makes it one of the lightest double tandem strollers on the market. As a double stroller in general, its 31 pound weight is in the average range.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Phil and Teds Navigator through?

You can fit a Navigator through a door 24″ wide, as it is 23.22″ in width.  This is narrower than the width of any side by side double stroller currently on the market; the closest competitor is the Mountain Buggy Duet, which is 25″ in width. Most side by side double strollers are at least 30″ wide.

What are the length, width, and height of the  Phil and Teds Navigator?

The Navigator is 41.7″ long, 23.22″ wide, and 40.5″ tall when unfolded. When folded with the wheels on, it is 11.8″ long, 23.22″ wide, and 29.9″ tall. The wheels can be removed to reduce its size a bit more.

Using the 
Phil and Teds Navigator with Children

Can you use infant seat adapters with the Phil and Teds Navigator?

Yes! You can use a wide range of infant seats with the Navigator through the adapter system, including a bassinet by Phil and Teds. Per Phil and Ted, there are 26 riding options that make it possible to transport every combination of children from a pair of newborns to a pair of toddlers. You can even transport a pair of infant car seats in the Navigator, something quite rare in the double stroller world, as long as you have two seats that will fit the Navigator car seat adapters.

nav4-300x300What are the recommended height, weight, and age limits for children you can fit in the Phil and Teds Navigator?

When used as a single stroller, the Navigator has a 44 pound weight limit in the front seat. When used as a double stroller, the child in the rear seat can weigh up to 33 pounds, bringing total seat load limit to 77 pounds. If you have the rear child facing you via the parent facing double kit, the weight limit in the seat drops to 26 pounds, dropping the total maximum weight to 70 pounds.

This is significantly less than the weight limits of a number of comparable double tandem or double side by side strollers, such as the City Select, a double tandem stroller with a combined weight limit of 90 pounds, or the City Mini GT double, a double side by side stroller with a combined weight limit of 100 pounds. The recommended age range is from birth to 5 years. There aren’t recommended height limits.

What are the seats, sun canopies, and seat support like in the  Phil and Teds Navigator?

Seats, canopies, and seat support in the Navigator are delightful. The canopy is quite large and can be adjusted easily, although it is not quite as large as the canopy in the BOB SE Duallie. Five point harnesses are included in the seats for additional safety. The seat liner is removable for washing. You can also buy a separate stormy weather cover to keep kids dry in rain and snow.

Can you recline the seats in the Phil and Teds Navigator?

Yes, the seats in the Navigator may be reclined completely flat, which makes it a very infant-friendly stroller. There are 4 recline positions to choose from. If you’re looking for a flat recline for an infant and don’t want to use the default setup, you can buy the Carrycot sold by Phil and Teds; it’s just like having a miniature bassinet to take everywhere with you. If that seems like overkill, they sell a simpler version called the Cocoon that also works well, and is designed to be inserted into the stroller’s main seat directly when it’s fully reclined. To be honest, after trying both, we preferred the Cocoon.

Buy the Phil and Teds Navigator on Sale at Amazon here.


Moving, Using, and Storing the Phil and Teds Navigator

What is it like to push the Phil and Teds Navigator, and is the handlebar adjustable?

Pushing the Navigator is a rather fun experience. The Navigator steers true and feels light under the fingers. The handlebar is adjustable in 9 steps, which is a great feature for couples of different heights. Because of the tires (more on that below) and the overall design, the stroller feels comfortable on a wide variety of terrain, which inspires trust and confidence when using it. The front wheel can be locked to enable a jogging mode or it can be left in a swivel mode for walking. In my husband’s opinion, the Navigator can turn on a dime, and I’d have to agree. It’s actually pretty easy to complete at 360 degree turn with one hand.

What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on the Phil and Teds Navigator?

The tires in the Navigator are 12″ in diameter and filled with air, and you can use them on just about any terrain, including in the city, on trails, on sidewalks, and on gravel. An auto-brake system is present on the Navigator, which is something you’re not going to find from just about any other manufacturer of double strollers on the market today. It’s essentially a safety release, similar to the kind you’d find on a lawn mower. If you let go of the red handlebar, the stroller automatically activates a brake in the front wheel and stops the stroller. It’s not something you want to rely on in the sense of just letting go of the handlebars and running off, but it’s great to know that it’s there in case you need it.

How easy is it to pack up, assemble, or disassemble the Phil and Teds Navigator?

The Navigator is designed to be easy to fold up, and can be compacted down to a size small enough to store in the trunk of a car. it can closed and locked with one hand as well, which makes it a lot easier to be a mom or a dad.

Keep in mind that the rear seat will need to be removed in order for the Navigator to be folded. When folded, the wheels can be removed to make the Navigator take up even less space. This is a good idea, since it’s a bit more bulky, even when contracted, than several other double strollers we’ve come across.

What are the cargo storage and weight limits of the Phil and Teds Navigator?

The storage compartment for the Navigator is quite impressive when used in the single stroller mode, but it is much smaller when the double stroller mode is activated. There are additional pockets built into the sun canopy, which is an ingenious way of squeezing a bit more cargo room in the Navigator.

Concluding thoughts on the Phil and Teds Navigator

Is the Phil and Teds Navigator worth it?

For a double tandem stroller, the Phil and Teds navigator has a lot to offer, whether in the multitude of configurations for transporting infants and toddlers or in the exceptionally narrow frame and all terrain flexibility. It’s an attractive and agile stroller that will certainly turn heads while keeping your little ones comfortable and safe. I’d recommend it heartily. You can buy the Phil and Teds Navigator with the second seat here in Black, Cherry, Graphite, and Midnight Blue.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Baby Jogger City Select Tandem Double Stroller Review

cityselectBaby Jogger has a history of making a number of high quality side by side double strollers, including the City Mini GT Double, which is the best double walking stroller, and the Summit X3 Double, one of the best double joggers on the market.

However, as I’ve noted elsewhere on this blog, we’re typically used to using side by side double strollers instead of tandem, or sit and stand strollers. As a result, when we had the chance to pick up a Baby Jogger City Select, their tandem answer to the City Mini line, we couldn’t pass it up. Here are my thoughts on what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Baby Jogger City Select Stroller on the Internet.

Technically, the City Select is also a single stroller, and you can buy it as a single stroller here for a bit less than the cost of the double stroller configuration. However, since Mike and I usually review double strollers, our review focuses on its capabilities as a tandem walking stroller. It has a number of unique features centered in the range of car seat combinations you can set up, meaning you can effectively do some things with it that just aren’t possible with a side by side stroller.

The short version of my review is that this is a solid double stroller, and easily the best tandem double stroller I’ve ever used. You can buy the Baby Jogger City Select here. For the nitty gritty details on how the stroller stacks up to the competition, read on.

Weight and Dimensions of the 2015 Baby Jogger City Select

How much does the Baby Jogger City Select weigh?

The Baby Jogger City Select weighs around 28 pounds per my scale, although it weighs closer to 38 pounds when a second seat is added. As a result, keep in mind that you’re going to be dealing with significantly more weight if you’ve got a second dedicated infant seat attached to your City Select. That said, you’re not going to find any other stroller that packs some of the unique features of the City Select into a stroller for less weight.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Baby Jogger City Select through?

You can fit the City Select through doors as narrow as 26″ when it’s set up and ready to go, which is almost as good as what you get from the narrowest side by side stroller, the Mountain Buggy Duet. However, if you’re splitting hairs or regularly traveling into extremely narrow locations, the Mountain Buggy does have the edge by being an inch narrower in diameter.

That said, when testing it, we didn’t run into any doors that we couldn’t get through, despite spending several hours in the local malls and downtown shops in the Chicago suburbs. We did notice several couples struggling with their boat-like side by side strollers and having to park outside random stores while we entered without a second thought.

What are the length, width, and height of the Baby Jogger City Select?

The City Select is 43.5″ long, 25.75″ wide, and 38.5″ tall when unfolded, and 12.5″ long, 25.75″ wide, and 32.75″ tall when folded. It collapses into a decently small amount of space, but it’s definitely a larger amount of space necessary than that in a comparable side by side double walking stroller like the City Mini GT. The City Select has a tall, upright profile when being used. It feels more or less like a traditional single stroller when using it, except that it’s noticeably heavier and sturdier.


Using the Baby Jogger City Select with Children

Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Baby Jogger City Select?

cs2-300x300Yes! This is where the City Select shines; it simply allows configurations that aren’t possible with side by side strollers. You can set up a pair of infant seats in forward- or rear-facing combinations, or an individual car seat, or a car seat and a bassinet. The only combination that isn’t possible is that of a pair of bassinets. This is easily the most infant-friendly double stroller out there right now.

What are the recommended height, weight, and age limits for children you can fit in the Baby Jogger City Select?

The age limits vary depending on whether or not a bassinet is used. Without it, the lower age limit is 6 months, while if the bassinet add-on is included, it can be used from birth. The limit for each seat is 45 pounds, and the maximum height limit is 40.” Of course, it’s possible to move past these seat limits, but you do run the risk of instability in the stroller and increasing the stress you put on it.

Regarding the height limit, keep in mind that there is definitely an upper limit even if you skip the limit suggested by Baby Jogger. My 4 year old was unable to fit in it at 45.” In contrast, our 2 year old at 36″ was fine, and looked like she’d be able to fit for another 4 inches or so comfortably. Our baby was quite content and is probably the happiest person with the stroller.

Where can I find the user manual for the Baby Jogger City Select?

You can download the City Select user manual directly from Baby Jogger here. Unfortunately, it focuses rather exclusively on the stroller as used in a single stroller configuration, but a lot of the basic principles and explanations are the same.

Seating in the Baby Jogger City Select

What are the seats and seat support like in the Baby Jogger City Select?

cs3-300x300The seat support is excellent in the Baby Jogger City Select; there are multiple recline positions available in the main seat, and the footwell for the lower seat has multiple positions to make it easier for your kids to ride relaxed. The main seat easily passes the sleep test, and if you use a bassinet for the second seat, I can guarantee that your newborn will be a fan of it.

Can you recline the seats in the Baby Jogger City Select?

Yes, you can recline the main lower seat to a flat position. You can’t do that with the second seat, but that’s an inherent limitation in the tandem design rather than something unique to the City Select. If you’ve got a bassinet, of course, you naturally have a flat recline.

What are the sun canopies like in the Baby Jogger City Select?

The sun canopies are good, but they don’t extend nearly as well as do the ones on the City Mini GT, which was a disappointment. As a result, if you’ve got a baby you’re trying to keep away from the sun, you’re going to need to set something else up, especially if you’ve got the baby reclined nicely.

Buy the Baby Jogger City Select on Sale at Amazon here.

Moving and Using the Baby Jogger City Select

What is it like to push the Baby Jogger City Select? 

It’s solid. That’s the first word that comes to mind when using the City Select. You can tell Baby Jogger put time, thought, and quality materials into the design and construction of this stroller, and it shows every time we use it. It steers easily and fluidly, and has a sure-footed feel that’s probably related to how heavy it is. It’s not a jogging stroller, but with the size of the wheels, you can cross a number of kinds of terrain without issue, including grass, sidewalks, dirt, and packed sand.

The tandem configuration puts more weight on the front wheels than in the side by side stroller design, which means turns are going to be harder than they would be in, say, the City Mini GT Double, but it’s nothing you won’t be able to handle; you’ll just notice a difference if you’ve got a high end side by side double in your garage.

Is the handlebar on the Baby Jogger City Select adjustable?

Yes, the handlebar is adjustable and makes it easy for people of varying heights to push at a height they find comfortable. The adjustable handlebar is one of those features you don’t notice the need for until you find a stroller that has it, much like the adjustable steering wheel in some cars. However, once you start using it, you don’t want to use a stroller (or car) without it.

What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on the Baby Jogger City Select?

The tires on the City Select are impressive; they’re 12 inches in diameter in the back and 8 inches in the front, which makes the ride a lot smoother than you’d expect from a walking stroller. The wheels, like the seats, are removable.

Storing and Transporting the Baby Jogger City Select 

How easy is it to pack up the Baby Jogger City Select?

This is probably my least favorite part of the City Select. The City Mini GT Double is an easy stroller to assemble, disassemble, and set up and pack up frequently. You essentially take it out, open it up, and then install the car seat or child and off you go. However, with the City Select, you’ve got to unfold it, attach your car seat attachment clip, and then get the car seat in there, all before getting the child in there.

If you’re interested in setting up the second seat, you’ll then need to put up a pair of arms, the seat itself, the attachment for the car seat, and finally the car seat. You then have to do this in reverse if you need to get the stroller back into your vehicle. It gets faster with time, but it would be nice if it could be simpler.

Cargo and Cleaning the Baby Jogger City Select

What are the storage and weight limits of the Baby Jogger City Select‘s compartments?

The suggested limit for the back seat pocket is 2 pounds while the basket limit is around 15 pounds. Baby Jogger warns that exceeding these limits could make the stroller unstable, which makes sense. It’s easier to get to the basket underneath than it is with the City Mini GT Double, but it’s still a bit of a challenge. That said, there’s a generous amount of space under there that makes it easy to fit a lot of things once you get them down there.

How do you clean the Baby Jogger City Select?

Cleaning is done simply with a wet cloth or rag. The materials used in the construction of the stroller are top notch and stain and fade resistant, although you’ll still want to exercise care when using the stroller.

Concluding thoughts on the Baby Jogger City Select

Is the Baby Jogger City Select worth it?

The Baby Jogger City Select is worth its sticker price and a bit more. It’s easily the best tandem double walking stroller out there and a strong contender to the high-end side by side double walking strollers it shares space with. It has some drawbacks, but if you’re looking for a near-unlimited ability to configure a pair of car seats while keeping a slim profile that can get into just about any door, it’s hard to find a better double stroller solution than the City Select. You can buy the Baby Jogger City Select here in Black, Amethyst, Onyx, Red, Silver, Teal, All Black, and Quartz.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.

Top 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Double Stroller

indietwin3 (1)As the parents of several kids, my husband and I have had the opportunity to choose among a wide array of double strollers in order to get the kids safely and sanely from point A to point B, and maybe to points C, D, Y, and Z along the way. As a result, it’s been impossible not to learn a few things along the way. Double strollers are a bit more complicated than single strollers since they tend to be heavier and have more moving parts, so it’s important to think a bit more about what you want from one before you spend the money on one. This guide is designed to make that process as easy as possible. If you’re short on time, our favorite double stroller is the Bumbleride Indie Twin, while our favorite single stroller is the Bumbleride Indie. However, if you’re like us, you’re going to want more details on what to know when looking for a good double stroller. If that sounds like you and you’ve got more time, read on!

Here are the top 5 questions to ask when you’re choosing a double stroller.
1. Do I want a side by side or tandem stroller?

This question is a good one to start with, as it literally determines what your stroller will look like and what you will be able to do with it. Side by side strollers are the more common design and offer the advantage of providing more space for each child, better visibility for each child, and a design that provides more storage room and significantly more stability when on the move. Overall, they are the preferred design for the majority of parents, and this has mirrored our experience with our kids. An example of a great side by side all-terrain stroller is the Indie Twin. An excellent side b y side walking stroller is the City Mini GT Double, and a great side by side jogging stroller is the Revolution SE Duallie.

However, they do take up significantly more space than tandem strollers, which means that if you’re shopping in smaller venues, such as in consignment shops or tiny stores with narrow doorways, you might have a more difficult time getting around successfully with a side by side stroller. On the other hand, if you’re planning on using them for mall shopping and general transportation, the side by side design is going to be more comfortable for most children and parents. An example of a great tandem stroller is the City Select.

2. How tall, heavy, and old are my children?

The development of your children makes a big difference when choosing a double stroller, and you’ll want to be aware of the maximum weight and minimum age recommendations of any stroller you’re interested in purchasing. This is particularly key when shopping for strollers designed to carry newborns, as not all double strollers are newborn friendly, which came as a shock to us. Some strollers will tell you that 5 pounds is the minimum weight recommendation, but others might not be safe until your child weighs 15 pounds or more.

Similarly, at the other end, you’ll want to make sure the maximum weight limits of the stroller are large enough to accommodate both of your children for a significant amount of time. In addition, you’ll also want to think about leg room and head room, as your children will continue to grow throughout the amount of time they use the stroller, and you’ll want to make sure there’s enough room for them. On the other hand, strollers with more room tend to be longer and more bulky, so there are tradeoffs you’ll need to consider when buying a double stroller.

3. How easily does the stroller move?

This question is one that not enough parents ask, but it’s so important to consider. To put it simply, if the stroller isn’t easy to move, turn, and shift around, you aren’t going to want to use it, which is just as bad as not having a stroller to begin with. You’ll want a stroller that turns easily and consistently, and that rolls in a straight direction without needing too much correction on one side or the other. The Mountain Buggy Duet is one of the best examples of a stroller that practically moves itself.The wheels should be sturdy and designed to last for a long time.

My husband and I prefer air-filled wheels, but it’s possible to get away without them if you aren’t looking for a jogging stroller (see below). However, other factors to consider include a suspension system, the turning radius, and the ease with which the stroller is pushed. That last point is important and worth repeating: how easy is it to push your double stroller? You don’t want to need to start lifting weights in order to be able to push your children to the park!

4. How comfortable and adjustable are the seats?

It’s important to read up on the comfort of seats in double strollers before buying one, since it’s your children who will be sitting in them! Additionally, not all double strollers are created equally in the seating department. Do the seats feel good to the touch? And besides that, what’s the recline like? Infants will need much more of a recline to sit safely in a double stroller than will toddlers or preschoolers, and the greater the recline ability, the better.

That said, your children are different, and just because they’re in the same stroller doesn’t mean they will have the same needs. Can you adjust one seat’s recline individually of the other seat’s? This way, a child can sit up much more while another might lie down. Is there a good amount of head and neck support? And are there ways to provide children with additional shade or privacy? These are important factors to keep in mind.

5. Should I get an all-terrain stroller?

This is another question worth considering if you’re looking for the best double stroller for the family. We personally love all-terrain double strollers and often prefer them to walking strollers, except in the case of the City Mini GT Double. However, it took us a while to figure out that these were the kinds of strollers that worked best for us.

We don’t always jog, so please don’t think that this is the only reason to get one; they come in handy the majority of the time simply when we’re walking along the sidewalk or through uneven terrain. They’re also great when we’re exploring parks and trails.However, if you’re an active parent, you’ll want to consider a jogging stroller over a walking stroller, as they come with features such as air-filled tires and suspension that you aren’t always going to get in regular strollers.

Similarly, because the wheels are larger, it’s also much easier to get around uneven ground. And from the child’s perspective, a more comfortable ride is a more enjoyable one, while from the adult’s perspective, a more comfortable child is a child who’s more likely to fall asleep, or at least have a good time during the outing. When you’ve got multiple children or infants, this becomes very, very important.

In our opinion, the best double all-terrain strollers currently on the market is the Bumbleride Indie Twin, followed by the Mountain Buggy Duet. It’s really hard to go wrong with either, but if we had to choose, and we often do, we’d take our Indie Twin every time. It’s just that good.

If you find the information on car safety, recommended car seats, and car seat reviews on this car seat blog helpful, you can shop through this Amazon link for any purchases, car seat-related or not. Canadians can shop through this link for Canadian purchases.