The Baby Jogger Summit X3 double jogging stroller is one of our favorite strollers, simply because of how good of a job it does carting our kids about in a relaxed way without fuss or drama. It’s the kind of stroller that does its job so well that you almost forget it’s there, which leaves you with much more time to deal with whatever new emergency has arisen among your kids. In other words, it’s a jogging stroller that wants to be a leisure stroller. And that’s not a bad thing at all.
As a result, it’s high time I put a review together, especially given how we still use it nearly every day for transporting our little ones. Without further ado, here is what I believe to be the most comprehensive review of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double stroller on the Internet.
Weight and Dimensions of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
How much does the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double weigh?
The Summit X3 double weighs 36.2 pounds according to my digital scale. This is relatively similar to most of its competitors, including the BOB Revolution SE Duallie, although the SE Duallie is slightly lighter.
What’s the narrowest door you can fit a Baby Jogger Summit X3 double through?
The Summit X3 double is 32″ wide, which means you’ll need doors at least that wide to fit. Fortunately, a great many doors are slightly wider than 32″ these days, which means it still shouldn’t be a significant problem fitting the stroller through most doors.
What are the length, width, and height of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The unfolded dimensions are 50.75″ long, 32″ wide, and 40″ tall. The folded dimensions retain the same width, but are only 33.75″ long and 15.5″ tall.
Where can I find the user manual for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
You can download the full manual for the Summit X3 double here. It’s a PDF available in three languages–English, French, and Spanish.

Using the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double with Children
Can you use two infant seat adapters with the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Yes, as long as you’re willing to use the Compact Pram sold by Baby Jogger. It is a small bassinet that is designed to accommodate babies from birth until 6 months, and includes its own canopy. The best thing about it is that it allows you to lie an infant completely flat. It has a maximum weight of 25 lbs.
What’s the tallest child you can fit in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The height limits are going to vary from one child to the next, but I’d say you should be good at least until 45″ of height with the Summit X3 double. The official manual states a recommended maximum height of 44″ per seat.
What’s the recommended age range for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The recommended age is from birth to 5 years of age. Baby Jogger recommends not running or jogging with children who are younger than 6 months if they are in the stroller or if a car seat is used with the adapter.
How much can children weigh while using the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The maximum carrying weight for the Summit X3 double is 100 pounds across both children. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be split between children, so each child should not weigh more than 50 pounds. We’ve broken that rule several times and the stroller has never protested, but it’s something to be aware of.
Is a child tray included with the BabyJogger Summit X3 double?
Unfortunately, a child tray is not included with the Summit X3 double by default; you’ll have to buy one as an aftermarket accessory.
Seating in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
What are the seats made of in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The seats are made of a soft cloth fabric that’s gentle on the skin and easy to clean.
What is seat support like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Seat support is good and the seats themselves are comfortable; our kids like them, and they’ll be the first to admit that they’re a picky bunch, especially our older kids. The seats are also deep and securely restrain children.
Can you recline the seats in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Yes, you can recline the seats, but you cannot recline them all the way back; it’s a 3/4 recline, which is similar to other double strollers in its class. Because the recline is so good, you can get a close to flat angle, which is best for a younger baby.
If you want to completely recline an infant (as in, flat) with the Summit X3 double, you’ll need to buy their Compact Pram.
Something to keep in mind about the stroller is that it is rather top-heavy, which means that if you have a pair of children reclined as far as possible in their seats, the stroller is more likely to tip backwards than you would expect. It is a good idea to either not fully recline the seats when multiple kids are sitting inside or simply remember to brace the stroller against something if you aren’t holding on to the handlebar.
What is leg room like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The leg room is on the shorter end in the Summit X3 double compared to several of its competitors, but it’s still enough to provide support for younger children. The advantage of the shorter length is that the stroller then becomes easier to maneuver and navigate through tight spaces than a number of its competitors, including the BOB SE Duallie. However, if you’ve got very tall children, this might be a reason to consider the BOB jogging stroller instead.
What are the sun canopies like in the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The canopies on the Summit X3 double are quite large, and I like how they operate relatively independently of each other. Each comes with a sunroof, or a peek-a-boo window, depending on your preferred terminology, that can be opened or closed independently, and each includes an air vent on the outboard side. The vents provide a decent amount of circulation when the weather gets hot and sticky, although when it’s really hot, you’ll still want to pull the canopies back entirely to allow the most air to flow through.
There are multiple positions for each canopy so you can figure out exactly how much coverage you want to get out of each one. Oh, and the canopies are UV 50+, which is nice for protection from solar radiation. It doesn’t completely eliminate the need for sunscreen when using a stroller, since there are parts of the body that a canopy simply won’t cover, but it’s a great start.
What is the rain canopy for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double like?
The rain canopy is one of our favorite accessories for the Summit X3 double, along with the parent console. It keeps our kids dry no matter what the weather is doing, and we’ve used it on days when sudden showers came out of nowhere, and even though we were completely soaked, our kids were kept completely dry. They actually found it quite enjoyable to watch us get wet!
Pushing and Moving the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
What is it like to push the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
It’s a smooth, smooth experience, which is part of why we prefer this stroller to almost any other. We’ve tried it on all kinds of surfaces, from dirt trails to asphalt to cement to gravel to grass, and it’s performed admirably on all of them. It has a more relaxed feel than most comparable strollers, including the SE Duallie, which might make it feel a bit sleep-inducing if you’re looking for a fast stroller. However, if you’re looking for comfort, it definitely has the edge.
Is the handlebar on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double adjustable?
Unfortunately, the handlebar is not adjustable. The height of the bar will work for many people, but you might want to keep this in mind as a consideration if you’re under 5′ or over 6’3″ tall. Baby Jogger’s non-jogging double stroller, the City Mini GT double, does have an adjustable handlebar, so hopefully that’ll make it over to the Summit X3 double soon.
How is the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double’s suspension?
It’s great. You get what Baby Jogger calls all wheel suspension, which simply means that each wheel has its own independent suspension system to make the ride easier on passengers and on parents doing the pushing.
What are the brakes like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
I’m a big fan of how Baby Jogger set up the brakes; rear drum brakes are included and they can be controlled remotely through a brake bar on the main handlebar for the stroller, just the way you would with a bicycle’s brakes. The hand brake definitely comes in handy when you’re jogging down hills and don’t want the stroller to get away from you. It makes it much easier to keep a consistent running pace.
What are the wheels and tires like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The wheels are pneumatic and air-filled, and they’re sufficiently large to help you get over most obstacles you’re likely to find on streets, sidewalks, and light trails. The front wheel locks for extra stability when jogging. Of course, that means that when you’re jogging around a corner, you’ll need to push down on the handlebar to lift the front wheel to navigate a turn. We’ve never found this to be a big deal, and it’s a common feature to every stroller when the front wheel is locked.
Something I like here about the Summit X3 double that’s not present in almost any other stroller is a handlebar remote lock, which lets you switch between a locked and swiveling front wheel simply by flipping a switch. It’s a lot more convenient than having to bend down and adjust the setting directly at the wheel.
Are the wheels on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double removable?
Yes! Baby Jogger even encourages you to remove them when packing up the stroller if you happen to need more space, although with the degree to which you can fold up the stroller, you’re unlikely to ever need to. However, if you do, you can take off and replace the wheels in a few seconds, and you don’t need tools to do so, which is great.
How do I fix a flat tire on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The tires are essentially bike tires, although they’re smaller. Inner tubes are included, and if you have a complete flat, you simply swap out the inner tube. Alternatively, if you’re just low on air, you can add more with a simple bike pump or a portable air compressor.
Storing and Transporting the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
How do you pack up the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Folding the stroller is very easy; you simply lift the straps and the Summit X3 double practically collapses into itself, and does so into a size that’s quite modest (see above under dimensions). It takes very little thought, which I like when I’ve got a thousand other things on my mind.
How do you open up the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Opening the Summit X3 double is just like closing it, except in the opposite direction: very easy.
How do you assemble the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
The assembly is ridiculously easy for the Summit X3 double; I didn’t have to do anything more than attach the canopies and the wheels. I’m also happy to report that you won’t need a single tool to get the job done. To be honest, getting rid of the box (through recycling, of course), is a bigger pain than assembling the stroller.
Cargo and Storage of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
What’s storage like for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
There’s a good amount of storage beneath the stroller. It looks small, but it isn’t. I’m not a fan of how challenging it is to get to the storage area from behind the stroller, but I do appreciate how easy it is to access the storage from either the left or right side. Similarly, I’m also a fan of the behind-the-seat storage.
What are the weight limits of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double storage compartments?
The basket has a 10 pound weight limit while the seat back pockets have 2 pound weight limits each.
Is a parent console available for the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
Unfortunately not; you’ll have to buy one on your own. We debated over it for a little while and then gave in and got the universal console. It works just the way it should, and is handy for storing drinks, keys, and tissues.
Maintenance and Cleaning of the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
How do you clean the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
To clean it, you simply use a wet cloth and water and have at it. You’ll want to leave it to air dry to keep the fabric in best shape.
What is the warranty coverage like on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double?
There is a lifetime warranty on the frame and a one year warranty for additional materials aside from the tubes and tires. You’ll need a proof of purchase for a warranty claim and you can’t transfer the warranty across purchasers, which is why it’s a good idea to buy it new. The warranty doesn’t cover typical wear and tear, rust, poor assembly, neglect or damage, or improper storage and care.
Concluding thoughts on the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double
Is the Baby Jogger Summit X3 double worth it?
In our opinion: yes! It’s a great stroller that we never hesitate to bring with us when we’re going on the road. It’s a great alternative to BOB double strollers and compares favorably with them. Our favorite features are the hand brake and the handlebar switch for adjusting the wheel lock. Overall, the stroller does just about everything we could ask it to, and after a couple of years, it’s still going strong. You can buy the Baby Jogger Summit X3 in black and green here.
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