Chicco Bravo Stroller and Trio System Review

bravo-672x372While MikeĀ and I mainly use ourĀ Bumbleride Indie TwinĀ to haul our kids, we also know that for a lot of parents, a single stroller paired with a great infant car seat will make more sense. As a result, when some friends of ours bought the Chicco KeyFIt 30 and the Chicco Bravo stroller and offered us the chance to give it a push, I had to say yes. You can buy the Chicco Bravo here from Amazon individually or as a Trio System, and here is a review of my thoughts on it after a long weekend pushing it around downtown Chicago with my kids one at a time. You can read a review of the Chicco KeyFit 30 here and buy it here.

Buy the Chicco Bravo on Sale at Amazon here.

Weight and Dimensions of the Chicco Bravo

How much does theĀ Chicco BravoĀ weigh?

The Bravo weighs right around 23 pounds according to my stroller scale, which makes it only slightly lighter than the lightest double strollers. As a result, if you’re planning on having multiple children and weight is a consideration, you might want to consider skipping the Bravo entirely and moving on to a double stroller like the Mountain Buggy Duet or the Phil and Teds Navigator.Ā The Chicco KeyFit 30 weighs just under 10 pounds; you can read more about it in this review.

What’s the narrowest door you can fit aĀ Chicco BravoĀ through?

The Bravo can fit through a door as narrow as 22,” given that it’s 21.75″ inches wide. This is comparable to the narrowest double strollers on the market, which are tandem strollers like the Phil and Teds Navigator or Baby Jogger City Select. Practically speaking, there isn’t a door out there you won’t be able to fit the Bravo through.

What are the length, width, and height of theĀ Chicco Bravo?

The Bravo is 33.5 inches long, 21.75 inches wide, and 43 inches high when unfolded. When it’s folded, it measures 16 inches long, 21.75 inches wide, and 28 inches high.

Using theĀ Chicco BravoĀ withĀ Children

Can you use infant seat adapters with theĀ Chicco Bravo?

Yes! The Bravo works perfectly with the Chicco KeyFit 30, which you can buy separately or buy together with the Bravo to form a Trio System. You simply take off the canopy and stroller seat, put on the adapter, and then pop in the KeyFit 30.

What are the recommended height, weight, and age limits for children you can fit in theĀ Chicco Bravo?

The recommended weight limit for children in the Bravo itself is 50 pounds when it’s used as a toddler stroller. When the KeyFit 30 is used, the weight limit is 35 pounds.

What are the seats, sun canopies, and seat support like in theĀ Chicco Bravo?

The seat in the Bravo is comfortable and made from an easy-to-clean fabric. The canopy provides a good amount of coverage that makes dealing with sun and wind much easier than it otherwise would be.

Can you recline the seats in theĀ Chicco Bravo?

Yes, the seat in the Bravo is reclinable in multiple positions.

Moving, Using, and Storing theĀ Chicco Bravo

What is it like to push theĀ Chicco Bravo, and is the handlebar adjustable?

Pushing the Bravo is rather enjoyable. You do get an adjustable handlebar, which makes it easy for two folks like Mike and I of quiteĀ different heights to push the Bravo along. Pushing it feels like pushing a much lighter stroller; there’s a lightweight feel to it that makes it a fun experience. And after wandering around downtown Chicago for a few hours with my little ones, I can confirm that the Bravo is thin enough to fit through any door you’re likely to encounter.

What are the brakes, tires, suspension, and wheels like on theĀ Chicco Bravo?

The front tiresĀ in the Bravo are 7 inches in diameter while the rear tiresĀ are 9 inches in diameter. The wheels are plastic and aren’t the most attractive part of the Bravo, but they get the job done. They are smooth and don’t have any traction or tread, which could be an issue in the snow. However, in the road conditions I had available, they didn’t falter. You also get all wheel suspension and rear brakes that are linked to each other.

How easy is it to pack up, assemble, or disassemble theĀ Chicco Bravo?

Folding and opening up the Bravo is about as easy as it gets; with very little practice, you can get it done in a couple of seconds with one hand. All you need to do is reach for the handle beneath the seat and lift up. From there, the front wheels will turn and you’ll be able to fold the Bravo up in the air.

What are the cargo storage and weight limits of theĀ Chicco Bravo?

The storage basket is located directly below the seat in the Bravo, and it’s got a good amount of space and is also easy to access from both the front and back ends of the stroller.

Buy the Chicco Bravo on Sale at Amazon here.

Concluding thoughts on theĀ Chicco Bravo

Is theĀ Chicco BravoĀ worth it?

In my opinion, the Bravo is a great stroller for first time parents, especially when paired with the KeyFit 30. It doesn’t have all of the creature comforts of higher end strollers, but you’re also not paying for them either. About the only thing I missed when using it was a child snack tray. And stylistically, this is a good looking, sharply-designed stroller that’s going to turn heads.You can buy the Chicco Bravo here and the KeyFit 30 here. You can buy both together as a Trio System here. Canadians can buy the Bravo separately or as a Trio travel system here.


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